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(Just to let you know, most of these will probably be ships that deal with Bakugo or KiriBaku. Sorry I just really like ships with Bakugo and KiriBaku) (also not my art)

Kirishima has a huge crush on the hothead of UA. Everyone could see it too, while besides the hothead himself.

It was there break time and Kirishima was at his desk with his friends, besides Bakugo, sitting by him. They were sitting in a somewhat circle.

"When are you going to tell Bakugo you like him?" Mina asked him. Kirishima blushed.

"I can't. He doesn't even like me and it could ruin are friendship," Kirishima told her.

"Dude. Everyone knows you like him and everyone is routing for you," Sero told him.

"How am I even going to tell him?" Kirishima asked them.

"Go up to him and kiss him," Kaminari told him. They stare at him. Kirishima blushed too.

"Actually that's a good idea. Go up to him and kiss him," Mina said.

"Wait what?" Kirishima questioned confused.

"Now!" Mina said pulling a Kirishima out of his char and pushing him towards Bakugo. Kirishima stumbles. He walks over to Bakugo who was sitting on his desk crisscrossed on his phone. Kirishima walks over to him.

Kirishima gulps before he slams his hands on the desk in front of back by his hips. Bakugo looks up from his phone and puts it in his lap and looks at him.

Everyone was looking at them wondering what's happening.

"What is it Shitty Hair?" Bakugo asked him. Kirishima gulped before he closes his eyes and kisses him with a blush. Bakugo's eyes go wide in shock.

Everyone was in shock that Kirishima had the courage to go up to Bakugo and kiss him. Deku was a blushing mess as he saw this because his innocent. They were waiting for Bakugo's reaction.

Before Kirishima could pull away Bakugo put his hands on his checks and kissed back. The class cheered. When they pulled away Bakugo let off a explosion to Kirishima's face as he covered his face with his other arm embarrassed. Kirishima blinked in confusion before he saw Bakugo's face.

Bakugo was as red as a tomato and his face was covered in embarrassment. Some people ran up to Kirishima to see if he was ok.

"Yeah I'm fine," he told them with a smile. He looked at Bakugo.

"Don't just do that out of the blue dumbass!" Bakugo yelled at him completely flustered. The class laughed. Kirishima couldn't help but laugh to. It was a bit humorous.

After a while they stopped laughing and waited for the question. "So Bakugo, will you be my boyfriend?" Kirishima asked him.

"You sort of got the things out of order but yeah," Bakugo said shyly with a blush. Kirishima blushed to. The class cheered again.

"You actually like me?" Kirishima asked shocked.

"I wouldn't have kissed back if I didn't dumbass!" Bakugo yelled at him flustered. The class laughed. Kaminari wrapped a arm around Kirishima's neck.

"You finally asked him. I'm happy for you," Kaminari told him happily. Everyone else told them congratulations.

When the bell rang everyone got in there seats as the teacher for there next class walked in. The teacher looked around and saw a flustered Bakugo and Kirishima. Not wanting to question it he went ahead and started class.

Sorry that it's sort. I'm working on longer ones.

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