Kirikami 🔞

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    Kirishima and Kaminari have been dating for a while now. They've made out and gone on lots of dates and they call each other by there first names. They told the class so it's not as weird for them to see them kissing in the hallways or something.

     Kaminari wanted to go to the next step or stage. Sex. Yes there first years and only 15 or 16 years old. But he really wanted to do it, so bad that he tricked Kirishima into coming to his room.

    It was late so everyone should be asleep. Kaminari was still up and couldn't sleep, because one, he wasn't tried and two, he was horny. He decided to call Kirishima. It took a while for him to pick up. "Denki, What is it? It's late," Kirishima said sleepily.

    "Can you come to my room, I can't sleep," Kaminari told him.

    "Sure, be there in a bit," Kirishima said then hung up. Kaminari put his phone down and got dressed in a oversized shirt and underwear. Not long after there was a knock on the door. Kaminari opened it to see a very sleepy Kirishima.

    "Sorry to wake you up, Eijiro," Kaminari told him. He yawned.

    "It's fine. Let's just go to bed," he told him. Kaminari let him in and he went to the bed. He shut the door and walked over to the bed. Kirishima was under the covers laying down basically out cold. Kaminari smirked. He got under the blankets and went down to Kirishima's crouch. He pulled down his shorts and underwear. He grabbed kirishima's dick and started to rub it. He heard Kirishima groan.

   Kaminari then licked the tip and gave it light kisses before sucking on the tip. Kirishima moaned. He felt Kirishima get hard in his mouth and hands. Kaminari smirked. He moved a hand down to his butt and pulled down his underwear and started to finger himself as he gave Kirishima a blow job.

    Kirishima shifted some. Kaminari looked up to see if he had woken up, but he didn't. He went back to sucking his dick. He then felt a hand on his head. He looked up to see Kirishima looking down at him. He stopped doing what he was doing and looked up at him.
   "Denki, What the hell are you doing?"Kirishima asked him confused, as in he just woken up.

    "What's it look like," Kaminari said. Kirishima just smirked.
    "If your going to give me a blow job you could at least woke me up and asked," Kirishima told him. Kaminari blushed. Kirishima took the covers off them and he saw Kaminari's fingers in his ass. Kirishima grabbed him and moved him up to were they were face to face. Kaminari took his fingers out. "How about i help you," He told him. Kirishima turned them over so he was on top.

     Kaminari reached over to his side table and opened the drawer and got a condom and lube and handed it to Kirishima. "It'll be easier with these," Kaminari told him. Kirishima squirted some lube on his fingers and then stuck a finger inside Kaminari's ass. Kaminari let out a shaky breathe. After a while Kirishima add a second finger stretching him out more. Kaminari grabs the pillow his head was resting on.

    He was mostly used to it scone he started doing it himself for a while so it wouldn't be as bad when they first did it but it was still uncomfortable.

   Kirishima then add a third finger. Kaminari inhaled sharply. Kirishima gave him a worried look not wanting him to be in pain. "I-it's fine," Kaminari told him, seeing the worried expression on his face.

   After a while of stretching Kirishima took his fingers out and put the condom on. He lined up with Kaminari's ass. "Ready?" Kirishima asked him. Kaminari nodded his head. Kirishima slowly pushed the tip in. Kaminari's eyes started to get watery. "Just relax," he told him. Kaminari bit his bottom lip as Kirishima pushed the rest of the way in.

   "Fuck," Kaminari moaned in pain. Kirishima didn't move letting him get used to it.after a while he told him he could move. Kirishima started to move slowly. Kaminari gripped the pillow harder as he moaned in pain.

   "Denki, if it hurts to much we can stop," Kirishima told him. Kaminari grabbed Kirishima's hips not letting him pull out.

   "No, it's ok, I just need to get used to it," Kaminari told him. "Just keep moving." Kirishima gave him a concerned look but listened and started to move again. He felt good but he also wanted it to feel good for Kaminari.

   As Kaminari got used to it Kirishima started to go faster. Kaminari moves his to wrap around Kirishima's neck bring him down for a kiss. Kirishima kisses back.

   Kirishima moves Kaminari's legs over his shoulders to go in deeper. "Ah~Fuck! Eijiro!" Kaminari moaned aloud. Kirishima let out a groan as he pounded into Kaminari. "I-I'm gonna cum!" Kaminari moaned out.

   "Me too," Kirishima moaned out. Kirishima's breathing got heavier and his movements became sloppy has he came close to his climax.

   After a few more trust the two came. Kirishima trusted in a few more time riding off his climax before pulling out. The two looked at each other dazed.

   "That felt great, but my ass hurts," Kaminari told him. As Kirishima grabbed a tissue and whipped Kaminari off and threw it away.
   "Of course it hurts it was our firsts time," Kirishima said taking off the condom, tying it at the end and threw it in the trash by the bed. Kaminari sat up some and wrapped his arms around Kirishima's neck pulling him down into his chest as they fell backwards onto the bed.

"Night," Kaminari said with a yawn.
"Night," Kirishima said kissing his chest and falling asleep. Kaminari fell asleep not long after.

  The next day Kaminari's back and ass hurt and he couldn't walk. Lucky for them it was the weekend.

Sorry it's been awhile since I posted a one-shot. Most of the ships I'm doing are ships that I normally don't read so I have to go read them to get a idea to do for them. But I hoped you like it. I'll try to post another one soon but no promises. Bye!

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