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Deku found out

Kirishima and Bakugo are dating in secret. More of Bakugo not wanting to tell anyone, but Kirishima is fine with it even if he as to hold back his love towards him in public, mainly at school. They go on dates, well try to. Kaminari or Mina will interrupt and ask about going with them.

It was a Thursday, which meant training. Everyone got ready in there hero outfit and headed to the training site.

When everyone go there they had to pick partners and spar. Of course they pick each other to train with. It's nothing new to the class but everyday it seems that they get closer which confused them. So the class started to spy on them to see if there are what they say they are.

After training the boys kept a good eye on them in the looker room, but they acted like normal friends.

After school the two walked together to the dorms. Deku happened to be following them. He was behind a corner watching them. He then saw Bakugo lean into Kirishima and rest his head on his shoulder as they walked. Kirishima put a hand on his head and patted it.

Deku covered his mouth as his eyes widened in shock. He then heard them talking.

"What is it?" Kirishima asked. Bakugo just groaned. "Tried?" He asked. Bakugo nodded his head.

"Hey, don't you think the class was being weird today?" Bakugo asked, not moving his head.

"What do you mean?" Kirishima questioned

"Well, they kept looking at us. Like there keeping a close eye on us," Bakugo told him lifting his head to look at him. Kirishima looked at him.

"So I wasn't the only one who felt that. But I'm not sure what's up with them," Kirishima told him.

Deku then actuality dropped his bag. The two were close enough to hear it. They turn around and saw Deku.

"WHAT THE FUCK DEKU!? ARE YOU FOLLOWING US?!" Bakugo yelled angrily. Deku stood still in fear. He was scared. He got caught. He quickly then grabbed his bag and ran off in the other direction. Bakugo ran after him wanting answers.

"Bakugo!" Kirishima yelled after him. He ran to catch up with the two. When he caught up he saw Bakugo basically had Deku pines to a corner.

"Ok, explain yourself, Deku," Bakugo told him. Deku gulped as he saw Kirishima walked over to them.

"Well, um, you and Kirishima-Kun have gotten really close and everyone is wondering if you guys are just friends," Deku told them. The two looked at each other then back at Deku.

"Should we tell him?" Kirishima asked Bakugo. Bakugo sighed

"Look shit head. Me and Kirishima are dating we have been for a month now," Bakugo told him. Deku's jaw dropped in shock.

"Look Midoriya, Bakugo didn't want to tell you guys yet. We'll tell the class when we're ready," Kirishima told him. Deku nodded his head and Bakugo moved back to where Kirishima was.

"So you better not tell anyone," Bakugo told him threateningly. Deku nodded his head.

"I won't tell anyone," Deku told them. Not wanting Bakugo to kill him.

"Good, let's go," Bakugo told Kirishima as he walked past him. Kirishima waved at deku then followed his boyfriend.

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