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   Ever since Deku was a kid he's had a crush on Bakugo. As they got older it never went away and his crush on him grow. Now he's in love. He's never had the guts to tell him how he felt in elementary, middle school, and high school.

Bakugo started to like Deku when they got to high school. Yes he treated him like trash but that's because he was more of scared and jealous. Deku got a cool, awesome, strong quirk out of no where. Of course he would be mad about it. But after a while he starts to grow feelings for him but he's to scared to admit that their there.

Now they're both in their young 20s. They have there own apartment and they have there own lives. They don't see each other unless they cross paths and they don't really talk to each other. There feeling for each other never changed. Deku is the number one hero and Bakugo is the third.

There old classmates are throwing a class reunion and there invited. Deku wanted to go to catch up with the others. Bakugo was annoyed by his squad when he finally agreed to come.

They all decided to go to a barbecue. When Deku got there Bakugo wasn't there nor was his squad but he saw his friends. He went over to them and sat down.

"Hey guys," Deku said happily. They looked at him.

"Hi Deku-kun, how have you been?" Uraraka asked him.

"I've been great," Deku told her.

"Have you talked to Bakugo any?" She asked him. Deku blushed.

"No, he wouldn't want to talk to me," Deku told her.

"How would you know?" Iida said.

"Because he doesn't like me," Deku told them in a sad tone.

"You never know unless you ask," Todoroki told him. And with that Bakugo walked in with his friends. His friends ran up to them.

"Hey guys!" Mina and Kaminari said loudly.

"Hey guys. How have you guys been?" Uraraka asked them.

"We're great. But bakugo is being difficult," Kaminari told her.

"He always has been," she told him.

"Yeah, put he's being super difficult. We had to force him to come then it got worse when we said Deku was going to be here," Sero said. Bakugo let out a tsk.

"Fuckin' shut it," Bakugo told him.

"Bro, don't be mean. We're here to catch up," Kirishima told him wrapping a arm around his shoulder. Bakugo brushed him off before sitting down at the big table. The rest of them sat down.

"So how as your love life's been?" Mina asked them.

"It's great," Uraraka said wrapping a arm around Asui's shoulder. "But Deku won't ask out his crush so he doesn't have one yet." Mina looks at Deku.

"Dude, ask her out already," Mina told him. "Or him out."

"I-I can't," he said flustered.

"And why the fuck not?" Bakugo asked him. "Afraid to get rejected?" He said teasingly. Deku nodded his head. Bakugo snorted and Kirishima laughed.

"Bro, how long have you had this crush?" Kirishima asked him. Deku blushed even more.

"A-about sixteen years," Deku stuttered out in a mutter. Everyone spit out there dirnks and looked at him.

"Sixteen years!" They all yelled, even Todoroki and Bakugo.

"You never told us it was that long," Uraraka said.

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