Dekubaku 🔞

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(There's some smut)(also sorry for not posting for a while. I hope it's ok.)

Deku was in his dorm when he got a text on a group chat from Mina.

Mina: let's do karaoke in the common area

   He didn't feel like singing right now or even being with people. He wanted to be left alone. He read all the other texts saying "sure" or "ok" to her idea. Even Bakugo agreed after they told him it could be a contest. Deku was the only one that didn't say anything. He thought about his answer. He knew his friends would make him so he said sure.
   He got out of his bed and headed down stairs. When he got down there he saw Mina getting the TV ready and everyone sat on the couches or the floor. Deku went over and sat by Uraraka. She looked at him and could see he didn't want to be here.
  "Deku-kun, if you don't want to, you could have stayed in your room," Uraraka told him. He gave her a fake smile.
   "It's ok," He told her. She frowned.
   "Ok, Who's first?" Mina asked once she got everything sat up. Most people wanted to go so Mina decided to pull names out of a hat. She put all of their names in a hat and pulled. Kaminari was first.

    When the last person was pulled it was Deku's turn. "I don't want to sing," He told them.
   "Oh come on, Deku. don't be a party pooper," Mina told him.
   "But I really don't want to," He told her.
   "Dude, no one's going to judge you, maybe beside Bakugo," Sero told him. Mina grabbed his arms and pulled him to the front. Deku gulped before choosing a song. He chose 'empty space'.
   He wanted to choose a song that fits how he felt. A song that meant something to him, that will give his message. A song to his ex boyfriend that he still loved. The music started playing and he started singing.

"I don't see you. You're not in every window I look through and I don't miss you. You're not in every single thing I do. I Don't think we're meant to be and you are not the missing piece."

Everyone besides Bakugo had a confused face. He was singing a sad song, but why? Bakugo knew why. He broke his heart.

"I won't hear it, whenever anybody says your name and I won't feel it even when I'm burstin' into flames. I don't regret the day I left, I don't believe that I was blessed. I'm probably lyin' to myself, again."

"I'm alone in my head, looking for love in a stranger's bed, but I don't think I'll find it. 'Cause only you could fill this empty space. I wanna tell all my friends but i don't think they would understand. It's somethin' I've decided, 'cause only you could fill this empty space."

They gave him a said look. They guess he went through a break up and he still has feelings for them. Bakugo looked at his lap with sad eyes.

"Space, space. This empty space. Space, space, this. 'cause only you could fill this empty space. I've been drinking. I've been doing things I shouldn't do. Overthinking. I don't know who I am without you. I'm a liar and a cheat, I let my ego swallow me and that's why I might never see you again."

"I'm alone in my head, looking for love in a stranger's bed, but I don't think I'll find it. 'Cause only you could fill this empty space. I wanna tell all my friends but i don't think they would understand. It's somethin' I've decided, 'cause only you could fill this empty space."

"Space, space. This empty space. Space, space, this. 'cause only you could fill this empty space."

"I couldn't make you love me. I couldn't make you love me. I couldn't make you love me.
I couldn't make you love me. I couldn't make you love me. I couldn't make you love me."

"I couldn't make you love me (space, space). I couldn't make you love me (I couldn't make you love me). I couldn't make you love me (space, space). I couldn't make you love me (I couldn't make you love me). I couldn't make you love me. I couldn't make you love me."

   Everyone gave him a said look as tears came down Deku's cheeks. Uraraka got up and hugged him. A few others joined the hug.
  Bakugo could never forget what him and Deku shared for the three and a half years they dated. He loved every second of it, but Deku started to hide stuff from him so he broke up with him. He didn't want to but he hated the fact that he hid stuff from him.
  Kirishima looked at Bakugo. "You ok man?" he asked him. Bakugo didn't answer. Everyone else looked at him. Deku whipped away his tears and walked over to Bakugo.
   "Kacchan?" Deku called his nickname questioningly. He went to touch his shoulder but Bakugo slapped his hand away.
   "Don't touch me!" Bakugo yelled at him standing up. "You're not the only one hurting! You kept secrets from me first!" Bakugo yelled and pushed him backwards. Deku just tumbled backwards some. Everyone got ready in case Bakugo attacked. "I didn't fucking lie to you! I didn't keep secrets! Your ass only recently told me about your quirk! I told your ass that we would tell each other everything and you broke your own promise that you would!" Bakugo had tears going down his cheeks shocking everyone even more. They could all tell they were something before now.
   "I had to lie, I couldn't tell you or anyone for that matter," Deku told him.
   "Was the lying, that secrecy, or even All Might that more important than me, huh?! If you told me you were training under All Might from the start we wouldn't have broken up!" Bakugo yelled at him without thinking. He covered his mouth wants he realize what he said.
   Everyone stared in shock. They looked at Deku to see him with the face of guilt. None of them knew what to say. Deku and Bakugo dated? They couldn't believe it. They also couldn't believe what Bakugo just said.
   "Kacchan, I couldn't tell you, I would have given away All Might's secret and when I first found out that he would train me under his wing and help me become a hero so I could fight by your side, you were the first person I wanted to tell! Not my mom! You! You are way more important to me then All Might! You were the one that came to my mind first, along with everything else that happens! I wanted so badly to tell you the hell I went through with training to let off stress! I wanted to tell you everything but I couldn't because if the word got out too early about All Might slowly losing his quirk, the villains would have attacked a long time ago, and who knows what would have happened to any of us! I was doing it to protect you!" Deku snapped back, getting in Bakugo's face.
   Everyone stared in shock. They didn't know what to do. Their friends were arguing but they didn't know how to stop it. They didn't know who to get to help but luckily enough someone got the courage to get between them.
  Kirishima put his hands on the chest separating them. "Calm down! If you guys want to talk about something like this do it in your own time!" He yelled. The two looked at him then their other classmates. "I know you guys are both hurt and angry but doing this in front of everyone isn't a good place to do it." the two looked down. They were thankful that Kirishima got between them before more secrets were split.
   "I'm sorry guys, will take this somewhere else and explain later," Deku told them, before grabbing Bakugo's wrist and taking him to his dorm. Everyone else just looked at each other.
   Deku pushed Bakugo into his room and closed the door behind him. "What the hell Deku!?" Bakugo yelled at him.
   "Kacchan, listen to me, just this once, right now," Deku told him as he moved closer to him and held his hands.
   "I'm listening," Bakugo told him.
   "Kacchan, I know you broke up with me because of my lying and secrecy but I still love you. I'm always thinking about you and about my mistake and I'm really sorry for-" Deku said but was cut off by a pair of lips touching his. His eyes went wide when he realized Bakugo was kissing him. He wanted to kiss back but he didn't and pushed him away. "What are you doing!?" Deku asked him.
   "I was kissing you. It's not the first time we've kissed," Bakugo told him. Deku blushed.  "And Deku, I feel the same." Deku couldn't control himself. He pushed Bakugo to the wall and kissed him. Bakugo was a bit surprised but he kissed back, wrapping his arms around Deku's neck. Deku put his hands on Bakugo's waist, pressing his body on his.
   Deku licked Bakugo's bottom lip asking for intrents but he didn't grant it so Deku moved a hand down to Bakugo's ass and squeezed it some making him open his mouth and Deku quickly plunged his tongue in his mouth. Bakugo fought back for dominance but lost. Deku picked him up by the thighs and Bakugo wrapped his legs around him.
  Deku pulled away from the kiss and started to kiss down his jaw to his neck. "Fuck, Deku," Bakugo moaned out as Deku sucked on his neck, leaving hickys. Deku pulled away and looked up at him.
   "Hey Kacchan, do you want to restart?" Deku asked him. Bakugo looked down at him with a small smile that he hasn't seen in awhile but to him it felt like ages. Bakugo unwrapped his legs letting his feet touch the floor again. He pushed Deku back till he fell backwards on the bed. Bakugo got on top of him.
  "Sure, as long as there's no more secrets," Bakugo told him, as he moved close to his face. Deku blushed some at how close he was.
   "Of course, no secrets," Deku told him with a smile. Bakugo then closed the distance by connecting their lips in a tender kiss.

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