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This was requested by AllisonTart. I hope you like it.

They have been hunting down this villain for weeks now and they finally were able to find him and track him down. They found him in an abandoned warehouse. When they got there they saw him making weapons for other villains to use against hero's.

He's been known for making different types of weapons and giving them to gangs and low life thugs. They've been on a hunt for him to stop him so people can stop killing and hurting people

"Stop what you're doing and put your hands up!" Deku told him loud and clear. The man stopped what he was doing and put his hands in the air above his head. Deku motioned his head to Uravity to go cuff him. She nodded. She grabbed the cuffs from Deku's hand and went up to him. When she went to grab his hand, he grabbed her arm and turned around and pinned her on the ground on her stomach. She groaned in pain. He then placed a hand to her head.

Deku's eyes widened. Uravity then let out a painful scream as the dude used his quirk on you. He then stood up and kicked her to the side. She screamed in pain as she thrashed around on the ground holding her head.

"What did you do to her?!" Deku yelled at him angrily and voice laced with worry.

"Oh she'll be fine. She just experienced her deepest fear over and over and over again," he told him. Deku's eyes widened before anger took over him. He went full speed at the guy and slammed him on the ground, grabbing the handcuffs and putting them on.

He then ran over to Uravity. He put his arms on her shoulders holding her down. He looked at the guy. "Can you turn it off?!" He yelled at him over her screams and yelling.

"Nope, once it's run its course she'll be fine, probably have some nightmares or something. It'll last for a few hours," he told him as he laughed. Deku glared at him. He quickly called the cops and ambulance. When they had gotten there the doctors sedated Uravity to calm her till they got to the hospital and the cops took the bad guy. Deku rode in the ambulance with them holding Uravitys hand.

When they got there they took Uraraka to the ER. Deku had to wait in the waiting room. He called Bakugo. He knows it best to tell him instead of waiting for it to be on tv. "What is it nerd?" Bakugo said over the phone. It was Bakugos day off so he was probably lounging around at home. Deku was scared to tell him about what had happened to Bakugos crush. Well more I've love of his life.

"Uraraka is in the hospital. We were on a mission and the guy got her with his quirk. I'm so sorry Kacchan. I tried to keep her safe," Deku told him. He heard Bakugos breath hitch.

"What's the guy's quirk?" Bakugo asked.
"I'm not really sure but he can make you experience your worst fear," he told him. "I'm not sure what her worst fear is so I can't tell you that but it must be bad. She was screaming and crying as she tossed and turned. He said it last for a few hours." Bakugo was quiet. Deku took that as a bad sign. "He also said that she'll probably have nightmares after it wears off. I'm not sure if there's anything make the quirk wear of faster."

"Deku," Deku tensed at the tone Bakugo said his name. He sounded pissed but worried. He could feel the anger coming of Bakugo from over the phone.

"Yes Kacchan?" He asked timidly.

"When I get to the hospital, you better be ready to die," Bakugo said before hanging up. Deku gulped. He already knew Bakugo was going to blame him for getting her since he was with her at the time. He knows Bakugo feelings towards his friend almost everyone in their friend group knew. He was oblivious about it. Uraraka was the only one who didn't know.

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