Trans/fem baku

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The class was going on a trip to the beach. Everyone was excited while besides Bakugo. He didn't want everyone to know he was actually a girl but he has no chose unless he can sneak to the store with his squad seeing him.

Since it was tomorrow everyone thought it be a good idea to go shopping together. His squad basically begged for him to come. So that's what he's doing.

He watched the girls go through bikinis and other kinds of swimsuits. He knew he should get a regular girl swimsuit because binding and exercise does not mix. Then again it would be funny to see there faces when they see he's a she.

He then quietly walked over to the girl swimsuits. He looked at the different bikinis. He tried not to get caught cause that would be bad. He found a few good looking swimsuits and went to the changing room quickly and silently.

He tried on the bikinis and some full swimsuits. It felt of to him to be wearing them because it's been a while but he felt more free. He chest didn't hurt like it would in the binder, doesn't help he had a big chest.

He then heard his classmates looking for him. He looked at himself in the mirror. He actually liked to swimsuit. It was a black bikini with red dots. He decided to get it. He took it off and put his clothes back on. He hid the bikini has he walked to the counter. He checks out. The lady gave him a weird look but bagged his swimsuit. Bakugo paid before walking out the store and found his class. He walked over to them the bag in hand tight. He held on it tightly so no one would take it.

The class asked him were he was but he just lied saying he was in the restroom. Everyone then headed back to the dorms.

The next day everyone got ready to leave. Bakugo put on his swim suit then put on sorts and a baggy hoodie. He had a bag with all his stuff in it that he needed. He headed to the front gate where everyone else was. Everyone was in there swimsuits most of the girls just wore a oversized shirt over the bikini. The guys all wore their trunks and had a shirt on.

Everyone gave him a confused look. Kirishima decided to speak up. "Dude, why aren't you wearing your swimsuit?" He asked.

"I am wearing it. It's under my clothes and not in that way," he told them knowing some of them thought something wrong.

Bakugo decided today was the day to tell the class his actually a girl that goes by boy pronouns. He was a bit nervous.

The teacher told them to get on the bus. Everyone got on and got seated. Bakugo sat by Kirishima. Kirishima looked at him. His chest caught his attention. It looked bigger. Way bigger.

When they got to the beach everyone got off the bus. They found a spot to set there things. Most of the guy a half the girls ran to the water after taking off there shirts and shoes Bakugo walked to a more private area were no one was looking at him. He took off his shoes then his pants. Before he took off the hoodie he heard a voice. It belonged to Kirishima.

"Dude are you ge-.." Kirishima stoped talking wants he saw Bakugo. "Um Bakugo? What are you wearing?" Kirishima asked him. Bakugo sighed before reaching to the him of his hoodie. He then started to pull it over his head. When it was off he dropped it to the ground. He looked at Kirishima who was a blushing mess.

Bakugo was wearing a very availing swimsuit. It showed off his cleavage and his butt. The strap for the tip wrapped around her neck and it tied in the back. It was black with red dots.

"Y-your a girl?!" Kirishima questioned loudly catching some of the others attention but they couldn't see them. Bakugo put a hand on his hip popping it out some.

"Naw, I'm totally a guy," Bakugo said sarcastically. "Yes I'm a girl, but I go by he and him."

"Oh, so like a trans or something," Kirishima said. Bakugo looked surprised that he got what he was saying. "You could have told me. I don't judge."

"Fuck off. Are we going swimming or not?" Bakugo asked him. Kirishima smiled, showing off his shark teeth.

"Yeah, totally," Kirishima told him. Bakugo walked beside Kirishima from behind the large rock. Everyone stared at him with wide eyes. Mineta had a nose bleed being the pervert he is.

"Stop fucking staring!" Bakugo yelled at them agitatedly.   

"Your a girl?!" The whole class besides Kirishima yelled. He just sighed and nodded with his arms crossed under his chest.

"Are you trans or something?" Mina asked him. He nodded. "Cool! I completely support you!" Mina told him. "No come on and let's swim!" Everyone nodded.

Everyone got in the water and played around. They also played beach valley ball, girls vs guys. Girls won two out three game's. The guys that were playing kept getting distracted by the girls swimsuits and some of them were showing a lot of skin.

The guys blamed it on the girls wearing reveling swimsuits but Bakugo yelled at them telling them it's there fault for looking at them.

By the end of the day everyone was exhausted and wanted to shower and go to sleep. Even if they found out Bakugo is trans they still saw him the same way so he was happy, but Mineta would still be a pervert and try to pull something on him which only got him explode into a wall.

Being completely honest this was out of boredom so if it's bad sorry. I hope you liked it.

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