Kamibaku part 2

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   Bakugo and Kaminari have been dating for a while now, ever since what happened between them in the janitors closet. They haven't really had any kind of sexual activity's since then. It was kind of hard to hide there relationship since they lived on different floors and they never actually hung out a lot so if they did start hanging out more, their friends would get suspicious.

    Kaminari told Bakugo that they should at least tell the squad but he refused like all the other times. Kaminari already thinks there on to them so that's why he's wants to tell The squad.

    Kaminari was in Bakugo's room doing his homework, well trying to do his homework. His mind was to focused on Bakugo. He looked up from the small table and looked at Bakugo who was at his desk. "What is it?" Bakugo asked him, feeling his stare.

   Kaminari blushed some and covered his crouch with his hands like he was hiding something, which he was. He was hard. His mind kept going back to the day in the janitors closet. Remembering Bakugo's moans as he fucked him and how Bakugo asked for more just turned him on. "It's nothing." It didn't sound convincing. Bakugo looked around at him from his own homework.

    "Ok, what the fuck is up with you? Ever since like last week you've been acting weirder then usual," Bakugo asked him as he stood up and walked over to him on the bed and sat down on his bed right by Kaminari who was on the floor.

    "W-What do you mean?" Kaminari asked with a stutter. Bakugo sighed.

    "You've been avoiding me and when you do you just stare at me with these eyes like you just want to eat me. What the hell is with that?" Bakugo told him questioningly, his eyebrows frowned. Kaminari looked down at his lap then at Bakugo.

    "Um, it's just that um, if you don't want the others to know then we shouldn't hang out that much. It could give it away," Kaminari told him. Which was basically a lie. Kaminari didn't care if the others found out. Kirishima already knows he likes Bakugo, but he doesn't want to tell him that he's just can't get his mind off when they had sex in the janitors closet.

    "I fucking doubt that. You never gave a shit if they found out," Bakugo told him. "Just tell me the truth, Denki."

    Kaminari blushed some when he heard Bakugo say his given name. He doesn't say it a lot. Only if there having a serious conversation or he's getting serious. Which is still rare.

    Kaminari turned around and faced Bakugo. "Look, um, I know you know that I'm a big pervert and ever since we've had sex in the janitors closet I can't get my mind off it. And lately that's all I can think about. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner it's just I didn't think you would want to do it again," Kaminari told him.

    Bakugo blinked before gaining up his thoughts. He wasn't really surprised Kaminari was think about that day since his a pervert. He just didn't think that's why he would be avoiding him. "So your avoiding me cause you want to have sex?" Bakugo asked him, a bit confused. Kaminari swallowed thickly before nodding. "You could have fucking told me dip shit. I thought I was doing something wrong," he told the yellow blond.

    "What? Your not doing anything wrong," Kaminari told him, standing up and sitting by him, completely forgetting his boner. Bakugo got a glimpse of the tent in Kaminari's pants.

    "Why the hell so you have a boner?" Bakugo asked him. Kaminari blushed and covered his crouch. "It's to late to cover it up. I already saw it."

    "I was just um think about that day," Kaminari told him, a bit embarrassed. He couldn't believe he forgot about it and let Bakugo see it. Yeah they seen each other's dicks already but it was still embarrassing to get caught thinking about dirty things like that by the person you were thinking about.

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