𝓹𝓲𝓵𝓵 13

70 4 1

Liam's POV

It's been a few days since I mated with Savannah. I kinda want to do it again, but it's just the effects of being mated. I remove myself from the couch downstairs and start walking upstairs to the bedroom that I currently share with Savannah. I open the door to see Savannah sitting on the bed, with her back facing to door.

"Kitten? What are you up to?" She turns around and smiles at me.

"Hi, Daddy." She stands up from the bed in my shirt and her underwear. She raises her hands, asking for a hug, I playfully roll my eyes before leaning down to hug her.

"How was your day?" She pulls away, placing her hands on my chest.

"Pretty boring, I went and talked to the children in the pack about mates and how to get used to their wolves," I tell her and she smiles up at me,

"Look at you, doing good things for the world." She jokes and I pull her closer to my chest,

"Would you like a repeat of what happened two days ago?" I ask her and she pouts, pulling her eyebrows together.

"I'd like to be able to walk, thank you very much." She taps the side my face and then runs around the room with me on her tail.

"H- Hey let me go!" She says, I wrap my arms tightly around her body and lift her into the air,

"Alpha!" I put Savannah down and look to look at Adonis,

"What is it?"

"Riley requests to see the Luna." Savannah stiffened and I look down at her, before telling him to close the door back.

"Didn't you lose your pills the night of the sleepover?" Savannah sighs once more before removing her hands from my body and holding them tightly against her body.

"Yeah... they did go missing at the sleepover." She confirms once more and I run my hands up and down her body."

"Do you want me to tell them that you're not feeling good so that you don't see them?" I ask her, leaning down to face her completely.

"No. I'll confront them." She says leaving my grasp. I watch as she walks around the room that we share to put on some clothes.

She puts on a fishnet leggings, a black skirt, long sleeve shirt and black combat boots. I walk behind her and place my hands on her waist. She leans into me before I sink my teeth onto her mark.


"There you are! Have you been avoiding us? I thought we were going to be the best of friends." Riley complained. I watched as Savannah stood in front of the four girls.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked her.

"Not now Liam." She snapped at me and stepped up to the four.

"Ester, dear, who took my pills?" Savannah places her hands on her cheeks and looks into her face.

"I- it was me... I got the pills an- and then Riley f- flushed them down the toilet." Ester admits and Savannah lets go of her face and Ester looks down at her hands.

"Riley, my dear Riley, what was your motive?" My short mate tiptoes to speak in Riley's ear.

"Thanks, love." She walks away and slings her arms around my neck.

"What was that about?" I ask her placing my hand on her waist.

"Nothing much, just making a request." She smiles up at me innocently.

"What request was that?" I ask her a little curious,

"Well, it wouldn't be a private request if it I told you would it?" She raises to kiss me on the corner of my lips. I growl before my eyes darken and Savannah starts running.

"Savannah!" I chase after her as she runs out the back door and towards the woods. I try to mind-link her but she's not paying enough attention.


I shift into my wolf, discarding the clothes wrapped around my body. Storm ran almost full speed to catch up with Savannah. He ran in front of her just as she made it into the forest ground. He looks at her and walks backward.

I hear a set of paws behind me,

"Liam, what is that?" Savannah asks, fear shaking through her voice.

"A rogue," I tell her and she walks behind me.

She knew what rogues were. My mom, dad and I told her the day before she moved in with us. I never got around to tell her what forest to avoid, the forest to the northwest of the house. The forest that the rogues have free access to, and once we cross, it's game over.

"Climb on my back." I instruct her. She does so easily and I walk backward out of the forest, not taking my eyes off of the banished wolf. Once We are out of the forest I turn around and sprint into the house. I take Savannah up to the room after shifting back.

"Holy shit." I turn around to look at my girlfriend. I tilt my head and walk to her,

"What?" She looks up at me worriedly.

"I just ran... with all my might..." I slap my forehead and shake my head afterward, dragging my hand to my chin.

"What am I go to do with you?" I say to her. Savannah smirks before pushing me on the bed and crawling to straddle me.

"Fuck me."

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