Chapter 4

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"So, let me get this straight. A farmer boy asked us to go kill some 'devil' that's been eating his crops?" 


"...And you just, believe him?" Geralt turned and raised an eyebrow. We were beginning our ascend up a dusty path that wound round the side of a hill. Onyx protested as I dragged him up the steep slope. We'd both decided that it'd be best to take our horses a little ways up the path before fully beginning our ride.

"What do you mean?" He asked. I sighed, tugging on Onyx's reins. By now Posada was far behind us, the tall structure stood proudly in the middle of the canyon. A light breeze blew around us, shifting my hair lightly. I tucked a stray piece of hair behind my ear and glanced at him.

"I mean, a devil? Do you really believe they exist? What if he just saw a big goat." Geralt stopped abruptly and gave me an odd look. "What?" 

"A big goat, really?" He asked coldly. I stopped as well, placing a hand on my hip. "Well considering all the creatures you've come across the possibility of a big goat can't seem that ridiculous." I argued, standing my ground. 

"You know what is ridiculous, you are." He said with a smile. I huffed at him before tugging the reins once more and walking ahead of him. All of a sudden, a figure stumbled round the corner huffing and puffing. "Jaskier?" I said in confusion, frowning towards the brown haired male. "Ah, hello again. Need a hand? I've got two. One for each of the, uh, devils horns." He panted, waving his hands in a jazzy motion. 

"Go away." Geralt grumbled, continuing to walk. I stopped and waited for Jaskier to catch up, smiling as he began to walk next to me. "Don't listen to him, he's just being grumpy." I told him while smiling. He scooted a little closer to me, our shoulders brushed against one another as we walked. "Gladly, I'd much rather listen to your lovely voice than his grumbling." I giggled at his comment.

"My voice isn't nearly as sweet as yours. In truth, I don't think I've ever heard a bard sing as well as you do." I complemented. He straightened his back proudly and brushed some dust off his top. "Your words are as sweet as honey, dearest Y/n. You are truly a blessing to this wicked world." I felt my cheeks heat up. 

"Oh stop it you, you're making me blush." I said bashfully, playfully hitting him on the arm. Suddenly, Geralt stopped and turned around to glare at Jaskier. "Is there a reason you're following us?" He asked with slight hostility. Jaskier's gaze lingered on me for a moment before switching to Geralt. "I want to come with you on this 'job'."


"Oh come on, I won't be but silent backup." Jaskier reasoned. Geralt stayed silent and continued  walking. "I wouldn't mind if you joined us but, why do you even want to come?" I asked, tilting my head at him. 

"Well you see, back in the tavern your mysterious friend gave me some...constructive criticism on my ballads. And he was right, real adventures would make better stories-"

"So you want to come with us to see some real action?" I interrupted. He clapped his hand together enthusiastically. "Right you are y/n. You two reek of adventure, death and destiny, heroics and heartbreak." He stated dramatically. "For the last time, bard. Go away." Geralt growled, seemingly more annoyed than before.

"Ooh, I could be your barker! Spreading the tales of Geralt of Rivia, the-the butcher of Blaviken...and his maiden, y/n l/n, the wicked temptress!" He fantasised, waving his hands in the air. "Temptress?" I mumbled to myself. "I've never thought of myself as something like that." I said looking into his eyes. Jaskier shrugged and grinned at both me and Geralt. "Come here." Geralt said, motioning with his hand. Jaskier's face lit up with hope. "Yeah."

In a split second, thud, Geralt had punched Jaskier straight in the stomach causing him to fall to the ground, coughing and wheezing. "Geralt!" I exclaimed, bending down to help Jaskier back to his feet. "What?" He asked, a smirk played at the edge of his lips. I tutted and glared at him. "Come on Jaskier, you'll be fine."


We'd been travelling for around two hours and had graduated from the lush hills of Posada to a dusty and grassy terrain surrounded by rocky ledges. Geralt rode slightly ahead on Roach while I rode beside Jaskier on Onyx. It was like we had our own little fellowship. The grass around us swayed higher than our heads as crickets chirped amongst the soil. "Reading between the lines and the gut punches, chum, I'd say you have got a bit of image problem." Jaskier huffed, repositioning his lute over his shoulder.

I stayed silent and instead decided to enjoy the scenery around me. I really did love travelling. "Were I to join you on this...feat to defeat the devil of Posada, I could relieve you of that title. All the north would be too busy singing the tales of Geralt of Rivia, the-the white wolf or something." I shook my head at how desperate he was getting, but anyone would have to give the man credit for trying. "Butcher is right." Geralt snapped back coldly making Jaskier pause in a moment of silence. 

"Mind if I hop up there with you, it's just I'm not really wearing the right footwear-"

"Don't touch Roach."

"Yeah, right, yeah." Jaskier stumbled seemingly taken back by Geralt's harshness. I laughed heartily at the scene, urging Onyx to trot forward next to the both of them. "You can ride up here with me if you want." I offered with a smile. He beamed gratefully at me, grabbing a hold of my saddle. "What are you playing at, y/n?" Geralt asked, frowning at me with an almost offended look. I scooted forward a little as he slid up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "I'm just helping him out, he really isn't wearing the right shoes for this terrain." I said innocently.

 "Sweet, caring, gentle y/n, I am forever in your debt." Jaskier said in a sing-song voice. "Honestly I don't mind, you're good company after all." I shifted slightly as I felt him rest his chin on my shoulder and breath deeply. "Wow, you smell amazing. Unlike mr onion breath over there." I chuckled at his odd compliment, leaning my head back so it was resting against his shoulder.  "Okay then, so what do I smell like?" I asked curiously. His chest vibrated as he hummed in thought.

"Lavender, honey and...freshly cut grass." I laughed once again, my cheeks turning a slight pink. "A bit of an odd combination. You smell like...freshly baked bread." Now it was Jaskier's turn to blush, awkwardly laughing in the process. "I'll take that as a compliment, you know this one time-" 

"Alright, that's enough." Geralt reached an arm out and roughly grabbed Jaskier by the collar, interrupting our moment, before harshly pulling him off the saddle and sending him hurtling towards the ground. I steadied myself as Onyx whinnied from the sudden commotion. "Well that was just plain rude!" Jaskier guffawed, dusting himself off. "Walk ahead of us." Geralt growled down at him. 

"I refuse to take orders from-"


"Okay, okay. No need to get aggressive." The bard muttered, holding his hands up in mock surrender before scurrying a few metres in front of us. I turned to Geralt and frowned. "What's up with you? I hope you're not always like this." I said looking into his enchanting eyes. My question was met with silence as he continued to stare at me in a way I couldn't quite decipher. 

"Geralt, if something's troubling you tell me. I'm here for you if you need." I whispered, placing a warm hand over his. He looked to our hands then back up to me. "I-" he began, eyes trailing across my face. "It's nothing."

I pulled my hand back from his and sighed. "If you say so, let's get this job over and done with." Geralt nodded and rode ahead of me. This is going to be a long trip...

We love a jealous Geralt! Sorry this chapter took a while to right, enjoy and happy day after Valentine's Day! :)

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