Chapter 12

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"I tell you no lie, it swallowed the whole village, it did...not  a bone to be found!" The large man stammered, voice shaken with fear as the numerous townsfolk around him gasped and muttered in disbelief. His eyes darted around, scanning the faces that gazed at his filthy, bloodstained form; some held looks of sympathy, while others looked less convinced.

"Oh, don't give me that look, shitling." He snapped, glaring towards a young man amongst the crowd. "That's why we had to call them..." His chair scrapped against the floor as he rose to address the crowd with added enthusiasm. "The white wolf and his woman...the wicked temptress!" 

His brow furrowed, a pained expression washed over his face as he recalled the traumatic memory. "And they stood in the middle of that frozen lake like they knew it was coming for them. The ice cracked open and a Selkimore shot out!" He motioned with his hands as he spoke.

"Oh, you've never seen one, but it'd take down a ship with its cavernous mouth full of devils teeth!" The crowd gasped simultaneously, all desperate to hear the rest of the story. "And it...swallowed...that Witcher," he swallowed dryly, whimpering before forcing himself to continue. "And the girl...whole!" 

"Oh,!" The whole tavern fell silent, turning their now confused gazes to the bard sat amongst the centre of all the chaos as he licked his lips, relishing every word of the story as he hastily scribbled it down. Now noticing the odd stares he was receiving, he looked up from his notebook. 

"Oh, sorry. It's just Geralt's usually so stingy with the details. Well, Y/n would've told me anyway...well tried to tell me, she's terrible at reconstructing stories. Ah, anyway...and then what happened?" 

The fat mans bottom lip began to tremble as he blinked rapidly, deciding how to phrase his next words. "They died." The entirety of the townsfolk erupted into a mixture of shock, some gasping while others cried out solemnly. 

"Eh, they're fine." Jaskier shrugged, returning his focus back to his notebook.

"Look! I was there. I saw it with my own-" Suddenly, the door of the tavern swung open, silencing the shaken man instantly. 

"See?" Jaskier said smugly as the crowd, for the millionth time, gasped. But as he looked, his face slowly began to match those around him. "Y/n?..without Geralt?"


I huffed, waddling through the door of the tavern with my arms and legs spread apart before groaning loudly as the smell of Selkimore innards wafted off of my own body. Unfortunately for me, I was too preoccupied with my own filth to notice the plethora of eyes glued to my lightly shivering form. 

"Y/n?..without Geralt?" My head snapped upwards at the sound of my name being called before a huge grin spread across my face. 

"Jaskier? Jaskier!" I beamed brightly, striding towards my friend as the crowd of people parted for me, clearly repulsed at the sight and smell of me. "What are you doing all the way out here?'re not on the run from any royal cuckolds again, are you?" I questioned with a smile, examining his face.

He shook his head, teeth grit together in an obviously fake smile. "N-no...not this time. You look...well, Y/n. Have you cut your hair?" He blinked, grimacing as his eyes wandered my body. 

"No, no. That'll be the Selkimore guts. I think they just make my hair look shorter." I stated blatantly, pushing away a strand of hair that was stuck to my forehead. He swallowed dryly, glancing from the door, to me and then back to the door. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2020 ⏰

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