Chapter 7

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The cold night air nipped at my skin as I stepped out of the tavern and approached my horse. After the um...bath incident, it was extremely hard for me to look at Geralt without my face flaring and heart pounding. I mean, who even does something like that so casually?! It's not like I protested though...

I lightly shook my head, ridding my mind of any unholy thoughts. Onyx whinnied happily as I ran my fingers across his mane, waiting for Geralt to finish bargaining with the innkeeper about our payment. From the corner of my eye I watched as Geralt stepped intimidatingly towards the short, fat man.

"Point me to Temeria." He snarled. I huffed at how he was basically abusing the people's fear of his kind to get what he wanted. "Being polite goes a long way too, fool."

"What was that?" A deep voice spoke from out of nowhere. I jumped and spun quickly on my heel only to find Geralt stood closely behind me, eyebrow raised in mock suspicion. "N-nothing, I didn't say anything." I muttered, trying my hardest to remain composed. His eyes looking deeply into my own caused my cheeks to heat up.

Dammit. I thought, lowering my head and hiding my face. A gloved hand suddenly grasped at my chin, taking me by surprise as I was forcibly made to look up. Geralt's eyes raked over my face as he held it in place before leaning down towards my ear.

"You stutter when you lie." He whispered huskily. His voice sent shivers down my spine. "So? We're going to Temeria then?" I asked, keeping my voice from wavering. He sighed against my neck and straightened himself out, sending me once last glance before turning around. 

"Some miner in the tavern spoke of a monster that apparently couldn't be killed by a Witcher. We're going to see if he was lying." He explained. I hummed in response and followed after him. "Why aren't we taking the horses." I asked, looking back at Onyx.

"Temeria isn't far from here, plus we have to go through the mines." My heart dropped. "You're joking, right?" Geralt shook his head. I groaned loudly in protest and kicked a rock with my boot. "Something the matter?" He asked, looking down at me.

I sighed loudly. "I hate enclosed spaces...well, small rooms are fine it's just enclosed spaces underground. Anything could happen down there! The walls and roof could cave in, monsters could be lurking in the dark, poisonous gas could come seeping out of nowhere, or you could get attacked by a band of angry miners!" I ranted, making vigorous gestures with my arms as I did so.

Geralt Just looked amused, a light smirk tugged at his lips as he watched me have a mild mental breakdown. "It's fine, none of that will happen. I'll protect you down there." He proclaimed, swinging an arm over my shoulders. I pushed him away, slightly annoyed that he wasn't taking my phobia seriously. "Wooow, my hero."

He chuckled at my childishness, smile never leaving his face. I had to admit, it was good to hear him laugh and see him genuinely smile. When we'd first met, he was so serious. He really does look handsome when he smiles.

After a while of walking in the freezing cold, we finally came across the entrance to the mine. I shuttered, peering into the dark void that lay ahead. It seemed to be beckoning me, pulling me in just to swallow me up and never let me out. Geralt seemed to the notice of how shaken up I'd become.

"You stay here, I'll go check the mine to make sure it's safe. I'll come back to get you once I'm done." I nodded my head, muttering a small 'thanks'. Feeling weak was horrible, but sometimes it's good to stick to what you're familiar with. 

I watched solemnly as Geralt disappeared into the darkness. He'll be fine. I told myself as I found  a rock by the entrance to perch on. To pass the time, I removed my sword from its sheath and used a wet stone I had to sharpen the blade.

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