Chapter 11

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Darkness. All he saw, was darkness. It was still, empty, lonely. Geralt swivelled, eyes training across the void he was trapped in, trying to figure out exactly where he was. Voices began to call from the darkness; cold voices with murderous intent yelling "monster!" "Abomination!" Silent tears streamed down his face. He was alone, and always would be.

Until something caught his eye. A bright light filtered into the darkness, chasing the whispers away and drowning out the darkness. "Geralt..." the voice called, a sweet and melodic sound that sent Geralt's heart a flutter. He knew that voice, the one person he'd always hold close to his heart.

"Y/n.." The name rolled off his tongue like silk, coming out as the gentlest of whispers. His eyes gleamed in the ever intensifying light that warmed his soul, reaching in to push away every inch of darkness in his life. From the light, he heard her. Words she'd spoken in the past, sweet words that nobody else had ever told him.

A small smile graced his lips as the light grew brighter, pulling him completely out of the darkness and into reality. "Y/n..." He uttered, one last time before his eyelids slowly peeled open. Blinking a few times, he gave his eyes a chance to adjust to the light. There in front of him, stood Triss, mixing a small pot of herbs and oil.

He groaned, frowning deeply as he glanced around his surroundings. Seeing he was safe, he relaxed and sunk back into the soft bed he was laying on. "You're scars. You heal quite nicely." Triss pointed out, eyeing Geralt's bare chest. "Your will to live must be strong."

"Y/n..." he muttered hastily, straining his neck to find her laying on a different bed next to him. She was topless, covered in bandages and sleeping soundly on the bloodied sheets below her. Geralt's eyes scanned over the numerous cuts and bruises that littered her smooth, (s/c) skin. The sight of her hurt made him angry, livid in fact, yet he knew that she did what she did to protect him.

"Her recoveries coming on nicely. She'll be awake soon, no need to worry." Triss reassured, smiling at the sleeping girl. Geralt hummed in response, groaning as he reached out a hand to brush away strands of hair that fell over her face. She stirred at his actions, nuzzling closer into her blanket while muttering 'Geralt' in her state of unconsciousness.

Geralt's heart leapt in his chest, blushing slightly at the thought Y/n was dreaming of him. "You two are extremely similar." Triss spoke. Geralt tilted his head in confusion and sent her a frown. "Both of you fight relentlessly to keep on living. This world is cruel and unforgiving, it's nice to see a pair of people so dedicated to each other's existence." Geralt stayed silent, turning back to face Y/n once again.

"The princess?" He asked hoarsely, remembering the reason why he lay bandaged and bruised.

"I've arranged for her to stay a while with the Sisters of Melitele." She smiled reassuringly. Geralt shook his head in disbelief.

" she hurt?" He asked with concern. Triss shook her head with a heartfelt smile, slightly surprised at his concern.

"A little but, she'll heal too." Geralt blinked rapidly, processing the information before settling back down with a sigh. "You should know Foltest issued a statement. 'The honorable Lord Ostrit gave his life to slay the vukodlak'. Miners are gathering ore for a statue."

Geralt frowned. So, Foltest was really going to keep all this secret from his subjects and instead, let some pompous lord receive all the credit from a task he didn't even complete? The fame didn't matter to him, however some recognition would've been nice. Growling through gritted teeth, he shuffled himself to the edge of the mattress and slowly sat up.

"Anyone else would've killed the princess, you and Y/n chose not to." Triss said, watching as Geralt struggled to move.

"We'll take our coin now. Y/n and I have other places to be." He grumbled lowly, using the bed as support. Triss sighed, turning with her back to Geralt and picking up the coin purse that Foltest had left there.

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