Chapter 10

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I tossed and turned, the rented bed at the tavern in Temeria felt like a ton of rocks stuffed in a sack beneath me; the pillow like a slab of iron and the blanket as scratchy as poison ivy. Usually, sleeping in uncomfortable spots wasn't a problem for me, but tonight was different. Tonight, I could've been laying in the most luxurious of beds but still wide awake and alert.

Sighing, I swung my legs over the bed and went to the window. The abandoned castle seemed to glow under the moonlight, almost as if it were a ghost haunting the lands. In some sense, it was. My mind immediately wandered to Geralt, wondering if he was safe or if he'd already cured the striga everyone seemed to fear.

He'll be fine Y/n, he's a Witcher for crying out loud. He's probably dealt with dozens of strigas! I told myself, leaning against the cold, wooden windowsill. Sighing once again, I rested my forehead against my arms and bit my bottom lip, nerves racing like a heard of wild horses.

No matter how much I tried to convince myself that Geralt would be fine, I couldn't. There was this feeling tugging at my thoughts deep in the back of my mind, the kind of feeling you get when someone's watching you but you can't see them; the kind of feeling you get when someone's in danger, but you can't be sure. 

"There's no way I'm sleeping tonight." I muttered, leaning my chin in my palm as I stared up into the inky night sky. Despite the chatter and music playing beneath me along with the warmth of the tavern, the air felt eerily still, almost bone-chillingly silent. Something was definitely wrong. 

My thoughts were interrupted as a shrill shriek ripped through the air, silencing the townsfolk downstairs and freezing me where I stood. My (e/c) eyes widened as they scanned the castle where the cry had come from. Heart throbbing violently in my chest, I held my breath as a cold sweat began to break out on my forehead. Another scream and I was thrown from my trance, senses alert and ready to fight. 

In one swift motion, I pulled on my light armour, not even bothering with my cape, grabbed my sword and bow and sprinted out of the room; almost tripping as I practically flung myself down to the first level of the inn. All eyes turned to my hurried form as I tumbled down the stairs towards the ground, landing gracefully before storming towards the innkeeper.

"Keep my room safe for me, I'm heading out but I'll be back!" I yelled, tossing him a gold piece to ensure he did as I had asked. People gasped and muttered as I kicked down the door, sprinting off into the night like some madwoman with a death wish. By this point, I must've looked like a maniac. My hair was strung messily around my face and I panted furiously as I ran.

In no time at all, I was in front of the castle doors. Lifting my hand up gingerly to the handle, I hesitated. Am I really doing this? My hand wavered as I considered my actions. Geralt would surely be pissed if he knew what I was doing, maybe this isn't such a good idea after all. 

Hearing a loud grunt of pain that I immediately recognised, I gasped, knowing that Geralt must be in trouble. Pull yourself together! You know Geralt would so the same for you so stop acting like a coward! A new found determination washed over me as I heaved open the heavy door, shivering as the draft washed over me.

The halls were of course, dark, almost pitch black to any regular human. Luckily for me, that wasn't the case. I tiptoed lightly through the corridors, listening carefully for any indications as to where Geralt could be. Strangled noises and grunts of effort echoed in the distance, edging me further in their direction.

As the noises grew louder, I pulled my bow off of my back and notched an arrow, keeping light on my feet as I manoeuvred towards the sounds. "Okay, you're okay." I reassured myself, voice barely above a whisper. 

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