Chapter 8

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Well, this is a little awkward. I thought as I watched the so called king of Temeria shovel another greasy piece of meat into his mouth. Since we'd identified the creature and its nature, Triss had taken us to speak directly with the king in his dining hall. Apparently he liked eating a little too much.

So here we stood, eyes locked onto king Foltest as he chowed down on his dinner, crown placed lopsidedly on top of his head. "Miss Merigold, you were dispatched to settle a family affair, not to enlist a mutant mercenary and his...woman for a game of sleuthing." Spoke, what seemed to be, his personal guard as he spared me nothing more than a side glance.

I huffed under my breath in annoyance and folded my arms over my chest. Do people seriously just see me as Geralt's harlot? "This is no game, captain. Tonight is a full moon, and Geralt has already proven himself to be invaluable." Triss reasoned. I cleared my through rather loudly at the fact she'd neglected to recognise my presence.

She sent me and apologetic look before correcting herself. "Geralt and Y/n have proven themselves invaluable. We believe we can cure the creature." 

"You say she's a girl. Then you shall refer to her as Her Royal Highness." The 'captain' said, back straight and nose tilted high. I rolled my eyes at his prideful manner, unable to hold back my boredom much longer. It's not that this job wasn't interesting, I'd just never really concerned myself with political affairs in the past.

"Segelin, I believe urgency warrants flexibility in court decorum." The other man said, striding towards Segelin in order to shut him up. He looked visibly taken back but quickly collected himself. "The Witcher's theory is nonsense. Princess Adda was the peoples angel. Who'd wish to murder her?" Geralt sent me a glance as our ideas were being questioned. I sent him a reassuring smile before turning my attention away from him and back to the trio of men.

"What about her lover?" I questioned nonchalantly. Everything seemed to freeze as even the king stopped eating; a thick, uncomfortable silence hung over the room like a poisonous fog. My forehead began to sweat and I turned to Geralt. "Was it something I said?" I whispered, glancing from him to the king.

He nudged me, indicating for me to stop talking which I immediately did, although I could tell he was thinking the same thing. "Seditious rumours. Idle courtesans trading out of boredom for jealousy. I wouldn't expect a lowlife such as yourself to understand the severity of a claim like that." Segelin spat with a proud smirk.

I growled, my hands balled up into tight fists at my sides in an attempt to calm my growing anger. Geralt sensed my nerves and brushed his fingers gently against my own instantly calming me down. "Perhaps if you called off your guards, if we were able to search the abandoned castle,  we could find clues as to who cursed her." Triss tried to negotiate.

Much to my dismay, Segelin decided to speak again. "Except this Witcher and whatever she is-" he motioned rudely in my direction, "would kill the princess as she sleeps and collect the miners coin." 

"Call her a Princess. Call her a unicorn if you'd like to. She grew inside Adda, feeding on her petrified womb." I cringed lightly as Geralt began to taunt them.

"Have you no respe-"

"Mutating...Growing for years till she got so hungry," Segelin gripped his sword hilt as Geralt approached, "she was forced to slither out. Rotten muscle, bent bones, two spidery legs, claws dragging in the dirt. An overgrown abortion." He continued, watching the kings face for any changes. 

"Enough!" His majesty finally spoke through gritted teeth. 

"Your highness?"

"Leave." He growled, eyes still fixated on his plate. Geralt looked down at me with a frown before shaking his head and turning towards the exit. I stopped for a moment but shuffled forward when I felt Geralt place a hand on the small of my back and urge me on gently. 

It was a simple gesture yet it still sent butterflies fluttering throughout my stomach. I stepped out of the large room and was about to look to Geralt when the door suddenly slammed shut with him on the wrong side. 

"Hey!" One of the guards shouted as the door was locked from the other side. 

"Open this door!"

"Protect the king!" They shouted, simultaneously banging against the oak. I sighed and stepped back, pinching the bridge of my nose between my fingers. "Trust Geralt to pull a stunt like this." I muttered to myself. 

"Does he do this often? Locking himself in rooms with members of royal families I mean." I looked up to see Triss, fingers laced together in a casual manner. I huffed in amusement. "Not necessarily, but he has a flare for the dramatic, no matter how hard he tries to deny it." A small smile tugged at my lips. 

Triss sent me a kind smile and looked down at her interlinked hands. "I've seen the way he looks at you, you know." I stood up straight, my eyes widened slightly. "W-what do you mean?" She shook her head with a grin, dark curls flowing around her shoulders. 

"Surely you can't be that oblivious." She said with a smirk and raised eyebrows. My face flushed pink against my will, mainly from embarrassment, as I turned my head towards the floor. "It's nothing to be ashamed of, most woman can't tell when a man wants them." She reassured.

"I doubt that Geralt wants me. He's probably had a thousand woman ten times more attractive than I am." I turned my gaze back to the men desperately trying to break down the door. Triss's face turned somber as her eyes scanned my face. 

"I've never heard of a Witcher falling in love before. Some people say they are completely incapable of human emotions."

"Some people are idiots." She smiled at my humour before continuing. 

"What I meant is, I can see that he cares for you. And the fact that a Witcher, of all people, has such emotions shows that you two must have a very unique bond." I looked into her eyes, searching for any signs of mockery hidden behind what seemed to be sincerity. But I found none.

I opened my mouth to say something when the doors to the great hall burst open with a mighty clunk. The soldiers flooded in, swords drawn and battle stances ready. Pushing past the guards, I saw Geralt engaged in an intense staring contest with the king. Neither looked happy.

The king held up his hand, signalling for his men to stand down. They all exchanged confused looks as I did with Triss. No one had any idea what the two had talked about but judging by the looks on their faces, it couldn't have been anything good.

"Leave Temeria...the both of you." The king spoke, eyeing me in the process. "Never return." Geralt looked livid but despite this, turned and marched towards me. As he grabbed my arm and tugged me towards the exit I sent Triss an almost apologetic glance. 

Once we were safely outside the castle, he let go of me and sighed, breath crystallising in the cold. I shivered as the icy air hit my skin and wrapped my cloak tighter around me. "What happened in there, Geralt?" I asked quietly. He sighed once again, golden eyes racking over my face.

I raised an eyebrow at his lack of response and waved a hand in front of his eyes. "Hello? Anyone in there?" He chuckled deeply and took my hand away from his face, holding it softly while running soothing circles across my palm with his thumb. 

"You're probably one of the weirdest people I've met." He said with a smile. I returned the gesture, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. "Is that a good thing?" I asked, now grinning like a maniac. His free hand snaked around my waist and pushed me flush up against him. 

I felt his chest vibrate as he hummed in thought, leaning down towards my ear. "It's an excellent thing." He purred, breath tickling my ear. I shuddered, this time not from the cold. We both leaned backwards, studying each other's faces with a new found passion. Passion, is that what this is? 

Thoughts stirred in my head and before I knew it, Geralt was leaning forward again, half lidded eyes trained on my icy cold lips. In a state of panic I cleared my throat and pushed away; scuffing up some snow with my boot, I tilted my head to the side. "So, erm...what's the plan?" I stammered trying to regain myself.

Geralt frowned in disappointment before casting his gaze to the ground. He said nothing but instead chose to stride off in a random direction. My shoulders tensed in regret as I watched him walk away, eventually following after. "Lead the way then."

Sorry for the wait!

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