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This is a few years after the end of QoAaD.

I noticed a cloaked figure dashing through the stalls of the Shadow Market. My mouth subcounsciously slid into a frown. It had been years since I had the energy to smile at people.

Dashing after them as my mind raced, I tried to control my breathing. I couldn't handle having a panic attack. I had accidently left my headphones at the Institute and had no time to go back.

I silently cursed myself. In trying to keep myself calm in the chatter I had lost the figure. My eyes were drawn to a shadowed alley. Going in would be a bad idea but I could have sworn I saw someone go in there just a moment before.

I pulled out my dagger and crept carefully into the alley. Pulling my cloak tighter to me, I scanned the alley. There were only trash bags. It was so much quieter in the alley then in the busy crowds. I could almost see the smell above the trash bags. Disgusting.

I felt a breeze and whirled around, only to be slammed into the wall, a thin sharp dagger at my throat. It was the cloaked figure I had been following. His hood had been thrown back and his messy golden hair hung in waves in front of his eyes. His brilliant blue eyes. They seemed to sparkle even in the low light.

How beautiful, I thought.

His eyes widened as his lips silently formed my name. Kit pulled the cold dagger away from my throat. "I-I I'm so sorry. I didn't recognize you." He laughed in disbelief and ran his free hand through his loose hair. Reaching up to my face he pressed his warm hand against my cold cheek.

My eyelashes fluttered at the sudden heat and I leaned into the touch.

We stood there silently at the back of the alley, Kit's body still pressed forcefully against mine. Our breath mingled together; his as warm as his hand which still rested on my cheek.

I could feel his heart pounding against my chest. I swallowed then swallowed again as my eyes trailed down his face of their own accord. His breathing shifted. Coming faster and harder. I didn't dare move; I didn't want to move.

My eyes focused on his lips. They were slightly parted and shifted as he breathed. I swallowed once more and our eyes met again.

Kit's pupils were dilated and the look in his eyes was half-crazed. He traced my jaw gently with his thumb and swallowed. I felt myself leaning into him as our eyes fluttered close and...

"Hey! My two favorite people in the world!"

We opened our eyes and looked over. Dru was grinning at us with a wicked gleam in her eye. Her dark hair was pulled back into two braids.

I narrowed my eyes at her. She continued to grin as she tried to keep up an innocent air. I grabbed Kit's face with both hands and forced him to look at me. His eyes went wide again and I saw Dru's smile drop, out of the corner of my eye.

I leaned in and boldly pressed my lips to his. A gasp barely escaped his lips before he was kissing me back. I could feel the weight of Dru's stare but I ignored it as I poured everything I had into the kiss.

His mouth was as warm as the rest of him. I had never imagined this feeling so right. To have his arms now around me. My fingers mussing his already dishealeveld hair.

Everywhere he touched me felt like it was on fire. His mouth slanted into mine perfectly and I felt myself start to melt in his arms.

I heard Dru squeal and scuff the ground as she scurried away. I smiled against Kit's lips. Pulling away slowly, I listened to him pant loudly. He seemed to be absolutely speechless. There was no doubt in my mind that he had wanted that as much as I had.

"I... you...." he shook his head. "Ummmm...."

"Kiss me," I said barely knowing what I was saying.

He pulled me closer and said, "We both have places to be. Your sister will tell the rest of your family in an instant."

I sighed. "I don't really care."

He smiled at that and pushed our mouths back together.  

Kitty One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now