Short Lil One-shot

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Kit is oblivious 

Tiberius Blackthorn was an angel in all ways. His personality, his looks. No matter where he was, a spotlight seemed to shine on him. His grey eyes shined silver with intelligence. His gaze was sharp while his personality was softer. He was so gorgeous I often felt ready to drop dead.

His features are as sharp as his half brother and sister, Mark and Helen. It made him look Fae. A foreign beauty. Everything about him was delicate. He often seemed fragile, breakable.

I gazed at him now.

Ty sat on his bed, his legs criss-crossed and a book in his lap. His chest rose and fell as he breathed quietly. Delicate long dark eyelashes curled out from his eyelids. His eyes followed the words on the page, intently. If I had to guess it was another Sherlock Holmes. He seemed to like them more then me sometimes.

I smiled at the thought.

His gaze lifted up to me as if he had heard me smile. Eye-contact was uncomfortable for him so his eyes focused on my smile and not my eyes themselves.

Ty smiled at me. "Whatcha thinking about?"

"How you probably love your books more than you like me," I said, chuckling.

His smile grew. "Oh, Watson, my love for you is different then my love for books."

My heart skipped when he said the word 'love', probably because I didn't hear it often.

"Yes, sir, Sherlock." 

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