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All Hail The Science Master

Narrator POV

It was currently 4:32 in the morning. The two were lost in their projects. They hadn't checked the time at all. Barely even stepping foot out into the real world except for coffee and tea. They just couldn't stop. There were absolutely no windows in the lab so there was no telling the time unless they either asked Jarvis or looked at their phones.

They had been working for hours and occasionally, one of the two would go up and get their refreshments.

Bruce has gone to get their tea and coffee about 3 minutes ago.

Bruce was mostly working in experiments and testing things. When he would get bored, he would go over to peek at his science buddy's project and get ideas from it. Then he would go and experiment on his own with his brand new idea. Sometimes he would help Tony out when he was bored.

Tony was fixing and improving all the team's equipment. So far he had done Clint's new arrows, Natasha's widow-bites, Sam's wings, and now he was working on Peter's new spidey-suit. Since the three bots were done and off their charging pads, they were currently polishing and cleaning Cap's shield. Surprisingly, they weren't making a mess.

The lab though, was.

There were a bunch of cups on the tables, joints and screws everywhere, papers flying in the air, some spilled liquids, and more. It was like the lab got a bad makeover.

Now it had been 20 minutes after their coffee and tea. The two were absolutely drained.

Tony had his head between his arms trying to get rid of the horrible headache that he had.

Bruce was all over the couch trying and failing to get some sleep.

They were basically dead, or they at least felt like it. Their bodies were giving up on trying to stay awake. Sometimes they would take in large breaths of air while trying to stay awake. Tony sometimes even banged his head on the table.

Unfortunately, they were sleep deprived.

Tony picked his head up, "Ay Brucie. Ya alright? Cause I sure as hell ain't."

Bruce let his hand fall to the ground, fingers slightly touching the floor. "Nah. M' definitely totally fine. Fine and dandy like sandy."

Bruce, who would usually be crazed of how long Tony had been staying up, was a doctor. He just couldn't refuse spending sometime with his best friend. They hadn't seen each other for so long for heaven's sake.

Suddenly Tony got up, "M' need some Advil." Then he left the room.

Bruce was bored since Tony left. He wanted to do something, anything even. Just wanted to be un-bored. So he though and thought about what he wanted to do. Nothing.

Just a bunch of Nothing! How fun.


Tony slowly goes up the stairs with just some trouble, but it was manageable.

He heads straight to the elevator and slumps down in the corner. Even standing was making him dizzy. Everything was spinning. Weeeee!

Finally the elevator opened. It was so bright it almost looked like heaven.

Tony had to blink multiple times until he got used to the lighting. Then he slowly got up and trudged out the door.

When he finally got to the counter, he went into the medicine cabinet. He pushed all the other medications out until he found the Advil. Tony opened the container and took out a few. He then swallowed them with just a little bit of water needed.

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