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Peter and Movie Night

Narrator POV

Since Tony missed the meeting and as Pepper would usually substitute for him, which she didn't because she had to run his company. It was rescheduled to Sunday, or March 15 at the same time. Everyone was really mad. Especially Ross. Seeing as he still haven't gotten the Accords fully signed and it was given last week.

But it was only Friday night and there was a day and a half to spare. And Fridays were usually movie night.

Aunt May had late night shift today so she agreed to let Peter sleep over at the tower.

Peter had everything he needed at the tower. He had his homework, his suit, and his phone. He jet leaving his pajamas at the tower every other time he slept over, so they were available too. And besides, he was sleeping in the same place as a billionaire for heavens sake. He could buy everything he's ever wanted! A heaven for any teenager like him.

Down in the lab the two science nerds, minus Bruce, were making their own inventions.

Peter was making a robotic pigeon that could steal anything. He chose a pigeon because he felt that they were unappreciated and annoying to others. Though when he is out on patrol, he sees lots of they gray and blue birds. He loved em'. They were nice to told to and who knows? Maybe they've been listening to his conversations all along. Sometimes he even fed them bits of his midnight snack: a pb and j sandwich.

Tony on the other hand, was making or teaching, Dum-S how to make an drinkable smoothie. Not going so well. Dum-E would always find a way to get oil into the drink mixed with strawberries and blue berries. Sometimes there were even little metal joints in there. While his brothers were quietly "snickering" at him form the other side of the lab.

Time passes by the mentor and the student, and before they know it, it's 9:18. Just in time where Peter finishes his pigeon and Dum-E makes another spill.

"Dum-E!" Tony exclaimed. "You got it all over me!"

And indeed, the strawberry, blueberry, joints and screws were all over Tony.

Peter turned around just in time to see Tony angrily muttering in Italian. He giggled at the two.

"Dammazione! Ora devo cambiare, guarda cosa hai fatto Dum-E." Tony cursed.

( Translations at the end )

He pointed to where the spill was. "Clean that up, I need to go change." Tony hurriedly went up the stairs and into his room.

Peter looked toward the sad looking bot and walked over.

He pat Dum-E's claw in effort to comfort him.
"There there. You didn't do anything wrong, it was just an accident. Mr. Stark is just mad because he got it all over himself. Now cheer up!"

The bot looked toward the 13-year old but went back to cleaning.

Sometime later, Tony came back down all changed and freshened up. He wore a plain black t-shirt and jeans.

After Tony praised Dum-E for finishing cleaning, the Falcon came down.

"Hey just wanted to remind you guys we're having movie night." He said

Peter perked up at the sound of movies.

"What movie are you watching?" He excitedly asked.

Sam shrugged. "Dunno, haven't decided yet. Come up if you wanna watch. Or.....do whatever you want I don't care."

Peter smiled. "Okay!" He looked to Mr. Stark, who was cleaning Dum-E's wheels. "Mr. Stark wanna come?"

"Hmm?" He looked to Peter. "Ah. No I'll stay down here."

Peter raised a brow. "Are you sure? I'm gonna go."

"Yeah yeah just go have fun."

Peter thought for a second. "Hm.. okay! Whatever floats your boat." Then he left up into the unknown.

Tony sighed. Blinking his eyes, he went back to cleaning Dum-E's wheels.


The Avengers, not including Tony, and Peter were watching "Tangled" as suggested by Clint which everyone agreed to.

They were about half way through the movie when suddenly the elevator door chimes open.

They pause the movie and look to the elevator.

Nick Fury comes walking out looking very very annoyed.

"Alright!" He put his hands on his hips. "Which one of you turned my  office into disco ball colors? Huh?! I want to know now!"

Nobody dared talk. They all looked around trying to figure out who did it.

"So no one is going to admit to their crimes? Hmm?"

Just then the room turned disco.

The air vents had noises coming from them.

Party music started playing.

And two people they haven't seen in a long time popped out of the air vents.


Translations :

Dammazionte                           Dammit

Ora devo cambiare               Now I have to guarda cosa hai fatto. change look what
you've done.

Very sorry if it's wrong but I used Google Translate alright?

Hi okay I know this one wasn't as long as the other ones which would be about a thousand words long but I wanted to leave y'all on a cliff hanger. I'm sorry lol. Please don't hate me. Who do you think it is?
Word count: 861

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