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You're My..

Tony POV

Finally! The dull walk light brightened up, letting them walk across the street.

I start to walk across the street, there were a lot of people surrounding a weird place near two buildings. I didn't bother to go check it out. If I missed this meeting Pepper would kill me.

I start walking a bit quicker because now it is 10:43. I'm already 13 minutes late.

I start to see the black car that is parked next to a light post. Yes!

"What took you so long?" Happy said as soon as I got in.

"Decided to get out at 27. Maybe it was a bad idea, but there's to undoing it." I slam the door shut.

"Alright. Off we go!" Happy pushes the gas pedal and we start to move.

It was kind of an awkward-ish silence between us. I pull out my StarkPhone to entertain me while Happy drives.

A few minutes pass and we arrive. I open the car door and start to head out.

"Thanks Happy!" I call while I slam the door.

"You're welcome." I heard him say just on time before the door shut.

I walk towards the tall building. The automatic doors open and I walk through.

I check my phone for the time.

10:50, Shit.

I start to rush to the elevator. It seems like the world is on my side today because right as I stop in front of the elevator, the doors open.

I press the button for floor 8 and almost immediately, the elevator starts moving upwards.

In a couple of seconds, they open back up again. I walk out of the elevator, so I don't draw unneeded attention. Also so I don't look like I just had a mile run all the way here when I enter.

I push the door handle down to open it up.

Then I see a bunch of eyes. That's weird. Not like I'm what....22 minutes late. Jeez guys calm down.

"Hi." I say.

T'Challa, who is there with his father, sends a small wave toward me. In which I wave back. Haven't seen you in a while buddy.

"Stark," Ross says. "You are exactly— twenty-thre —minutes late. Want to tell us why?"

"Uhh..." I sit down in an open chair that happens to be right next to T'challa. At least I got a nice seat. "You want the whole story or the simplified one?"

Ross glared at me. "Just give one of them!"

"Okay okay, once upon a time.. in a land of–" I was cut off while I was telling my story.

"Okay you know what! Never mind let's get down to business." Ross stretches a hand out toward me. "Stark, the Accords."

I look down at the packet that I placed on the table. Suddenly I remember what I was supposed to do.

"Oh yeah! About that.."

"Just give me it." He really stared to look impatient now.

Deciding to actually give it to him now, I hand them over.

"Okay, now thanks everyone for coming–" He looked specifically at me. Which I waved my hand at him, Ross continues. "We have to discuss these new 'rules,' now we have 117 countries that have already signed. Which makes things a lot easier thank you. We also have," Ross flips to where all the Avengers should've signed. Now he looks disappointed. Oh right, now I have to speak again ugh.

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