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^ I spent time on that. It kept deleting. It's bad and poor but that's what describes me. Also it's late. Sorry about that.
Here we go

Narrator POV

Shit shit shit.

Tony started dashing through the employees.

"Well he's sure in a hurry." Sam said as he walked with Steve and Bucky.

"S-Steve," Bucky started.

"Yeah Buck?" Steve raised a brow.

"Who.. Who was that jus' now?" Bucky stared off in the direction Tony was just now.

"Oh that was just Tony. He can get annoying, but he's not all that bad once you get used to him. Nothing too big to worry about."

"Feel like I've seen 'im before." Bucky whispered to himself.

"What was that?"



"Ah sorry!"

"Excuse me!"

Through struggles and crowds of employees, Tony finally made it to the workshop floor. He needed a rest after all that running.

Multiple gasps for air came from him. But he soon was able to catch his breath.

Tony quickly got up from his crouching position and headed down to the workshop.

He noticed that Peter's bag was still there so he couldn't have left. He was kinda scared of what would be behind this large door. There were four "children" left unsupervised in a environment full of junk, tools, and dangerous things. Tony couldn't possibly imagine what they would be doing.

As soon as an inch of the doors opened, Tony's ears were met with exclamation full of beeps and whirrs with lots of panicked shouting, which he would assume was Peter.

"No clean it up before Mr. Stark comes back and sees it!"

"See what?"

All mechanic heads and human heads turned to where Tony was standing with arms crossed.

"Oh. Uh, hey Mr. Stark!" Peter tried to hide the obvious mess that they made.

"What happened this time?" Tony walked over to them.


"Right, okay. Whatever you did clean it up." Tony checked his watch. "Aren't you leaving soon?"

Peter perked up. "May said I could stay for another hour today!"

"What's with that? She would want you home earlier than later wouldn't she?"

"Dunno. She's probably got an extra hour for work or something like that." Peter started to get to work by cleaning up the fire extinguisher's mess which Dum-E caused, but he was too busy cleaning up his gross smoothie mess with the other two.

Tony nodded and went back to his work before Natasha came in and literally dragged his butt out. Peter and the bots would be cleaning for a while, but hopefully not too long.

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