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Things Go Down in Business Town

Narrator POV

"Mr. Barnes, please remain calm."

Bucky began to slowly breathe in and out. He was scared. He didn't know what was gonna go down. He didn't know what would happen to him. Maybe he should trust Stark but he barely even knew the man! Bucky closed his eyes.

When he opened them back up again, there were images all around him, memories? That guy looks like Stevie.

"Oh wait am I allowed to see this?" Tony asked.

"Uh-Uhm.. could you.. stay? Please.." Bucky shyly asked.

"Sure, I mean it would be better to watch instead of wait wouldn't it? Woah that guy looks fat!" Tony exclaimed while pointing to an indeed, fat man in the back eating a hotdog.

Bucky chuckled. He looked around. There was gonna be a car shown. A car came down from the ceiling, it was red. And very shiny.

B) How did I... do I know these things? I can't remember.. Should I know this? No.. Hydra..

Slowly the images started going away. But there came new one to replace them. To Bucky they were all somewhat familiar. He just couldn't remember why. It was bothering him.

Tony on the other hand, knew bits and pieces of every memory. Of course he knew, he spent his whole life getting told of what a failure he was. Tony spends days on days being told, no compared, to the great Captain America. How he would've been such a better son than Tony.

Until he died.

Something feels weird.

"Hey uhm.. ah what should I call you? Eh I'll just call you James, I'm gonna go out for a minute. Call me if you need me." Tony said.

"Uh huh..." Bucky said as he kept staring at the holograms. He reached out to touch one.

Tony rubbed his wrist. Something was off. But just what?

After he was out of the room, Tony looked down at his wrist with T'Challa's name written on it.

What the actual fuck.

It was less bright, vibrant than it was before. It didn't glow as much. The name written in clean, legible handwriting was also smudged a bit.

Was it fading?

HDIABDOSNDOABDIEI hiiiiiiiii did you missssss meeeee? No? Okay then. lol I'm a failure. THE BOLD LETTERS AT THE TOP ARE CHAPTER TITLES BTW.
Word count : 394

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