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A/N:Gay And lesbian Marriage is finally allowed in all fifty states!!!!!LOVE CAN FINALLY BE UNLIMITED TO ALL PEOPLE. #LOVEWINS

First things first is I Support people,no matter what. I don't think it's fair that someone should be hated for their sexuality. So message to them homophobes...

Leave my beautiful people alone.

I don't get why people are hated for loving someone with their hearts. It really doesn't do any wrong to one an other so why,why are they so mistreated and disrespected. They are basically people living life with different interests. And what kind of People do that,..EVERYONE does. So to those people who treat my peeps as if they were fucking aliens better shut the fuck up cuss they do the same thing....Live

I actually have a few Friends that are mistreated just because they are in love. To me,Love is always beautiful. Always have...Always will. I love love especially when it's True love. And I promise there is at least one homosexual couple that shares this true love. And people who actually deserve to be respected in this world are the people who let the love in.

I let me just say Homosexuals are so strong in my opinion. They do what they need to do for their hearts. And do they know that there are haters...hell yeah,but do they care?Do they change their ways?Do they hide themselves just to be accepted by them haters?No They Don't. That is Why I respect them so much and will do anything for them.

Person Reading this,right now if you have a gay,lesbian,or bisexual friend..call them. Tell them you are there for them and that they are not alone. Make sure that they aren't going to be alone,ever. And to any,anyone who's reading this who dislikes My peeps just please don't do anything that will harm or have a negative impact on them because I know that they don't do anything to harm you. Just respect them as the normal human beings they are.

I don't know how many times I've said but please love instead of hate. Because in reality it takes more energy to hate then naturally love someone. Hope You guys really understand that!

_________________________________________________________________________________________________Waz up homies

Hope you guys really soak in this chapter

And that you really are enjoying book

Gots to Gos

Chow peeps,


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