Chapter 24 - Too Many Questions

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Oh my god. It’s been like….. I don’t even know. Months now? God, I feel like absolute shit for doing this to you! However this hold period has been good for me, and I think I can get back into the rhythm of writing.

Also, only like 14 more chapters! So ya.

I really hope you guys forgive me for my hella long period offline… but I really needed it. Thank you, for those of you sticking with me. You mean the world to me.

I’m doing my best… if another hiatus period will come up I can’t say… but hopefully not. Thank you to those of you supporting me while I was gone. My reads have even continued going up during my off-time! I love you guys so much.. can we crack the 1k mark yet?

Love you all ;) Enjoy xx


Louis’ POV

My legs jiggled nervously and I kept staring at the clock from my sprawled position on the living room couch. It had been over an hour since my girlfriend ran out, ignoring all of our calls. I knew something had happened; it didn’t take a genius to figure that out. But where had she gone?

Zayn was sitting by my feet, his hands clasped together so tightly that his fingers had long run an uncomfortable shade of red. He kept biting on his lip for long periods of time, and seemed even more nervous than me about Bailey’s absence.

“Zayn,” I muttered, my voice quivvering. “Are you sure you don’t know what happened?”

Zayn choked and hastily shook his head, before jolting up and joining Rianna in the kitchen. The gorgeous smell of fresh cupcakes wafted through the room, but at the moment the sickly sweet aroma brought a wave of nausea over my already exhausted and stressed body. I don’t know what it is with girls, but somehow I feel that they always bake when they’re upset.

She must be missing Niall.

Well, naturally she would. All of us do, and it must be ten times worse for her. Someone might as well just reach into her chest and squeeze her heart until it bursts. My girl has only been gone for 90 minutes, and I feel bad enough. What happened to her?

I think all of us were just immensely frustrated that none of us could effectively help the others. We had no plan, and until we figured out what to do our only activity was sit around at home and mope. Not very helpful.

Zayn’s socked feet padded through the hallway, stopping abruptly when Liam came his way. They began talking in hushed tones, Zayn’s expression occasionally hardening and relaxing again. They must have been discussing something important, but the doorbell stole my attention from the conversation. I dragged myself towards the door and pulled it open, to find that no one was there. I was about to go back inside when my feet kicked an object that had been thrown onto the doormat. Curious, I picked it up; it was a phone, with a white slip of paper attached to the back.

Bile rose up in my throat.

“Guys,” I cried, sounding strangled, “guys! Guys!

“Lou, Lou calm down, jesus! For heaven’s sake, what are you screaming for?” Rianna groaned sounding irritated. Ignoring her annoyance – she was just tired and worried about her boyfriend – I gingerly placed the phone on the kitchen counter and said nothing. There was no need to explain; it was plainly obvious what we were seeing.

“So now we’re four,” Zayn whispered, delicately stroking Bailey’s phone. The look on his face was heartbreaking: it was like someone had just stabbed him with every type of weapon that ever existed. Honestly, I just felt numb, almost as if the fact refused to properly sink in. As if my mind was overwhelmed with all that had happened, and this was just too much for it to cope with – nope! it was screaming, I’m done with all of this! I’m out!

“Seems like it, Zayn,” Liam answered, although his words were unneccessary silence fillers; the deadly quiet was otherwise nearly unbearable.

“Let’s just read the note, get this over with,” I muttered, plucking the paper off of Bailey’s mobile. The handwriting was identical to that on the other letters, so by now it was easy to decipher the messily handwritten words in front of me. I cleared my throat, and began reading: “He found his peace there… will she too? Great big hills of salty sand will be her last sight before she finally gets what she deserves.

“Great, another creepy message that gets us no where,” Rianna snapped, grabbing the note from me and skimming it over again. “Bloody useless.”

“Well, maybe it could give us some clues, like – “

“Like what, Louis? Beaches have sand? Wow, fantastic! I didn’t know that before! Thank you for that enlightening experience!” the teenaged girl barked, hurling her words at me like heavy rocks. I wrinkled my nose, well aware of her weak emotional state but still offended by her sarcastic retort. I’m more or less managing to control myself, couldn’t she put some effort into that as well?

“Rianna, please just calm down. Getting angry does not help anything!”

Actually, I think getting angry is the only choice we have at the moment!” Rianna bellowed, before slamming the paper down and stalking upstairs.

Well alright then.

“We should try searching for some first clues… Maybe the notes we have already can help us?” Liam suggested, after we heard an upstairs door slam and choked sobs leak out from behind it.

“I guess. Doesn’t hurt to try,” Zayn agreed, and scooped up the rest of the letters from the glass table in the other room. In one swift motion he spread the four notes onto the large wooden table and stared intentedly at them, as if begging them to tell him something, anything that could help him save Bailey.

Well, and the others, of course.

My eyes darted over the words, trying to find sense in them. We needed to find some sort of solution, before it was too late. I just wish we had at least a tiny hint, some sort of information that could push us in the right direction, since right now we had no clue how to start.

I sighed. Guess we’ve got some tedious work ahead of us…


Well, it feels great to be back! Any opinions! I love reading your guys’ comments, thoughts, opinions, joys, anything! Don’t be shy, I don’t bite haha ;) Love you all

Yuki xx

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