Once Upon A Dream Chapter 20

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A few days later they released me from the hospital. They wanted to make sure that my heart wasnt going to stop. Aka they wanted to make sure that I didnt die or try to kill myself. The whole time I was in the hospital Christian was there with me. He was and is the best thing that ever happened to me. I was laying in bed and I felt a cold draft come in from my window. I didnt feel like closing it completely because sometimes I enjoyed the cool breeze. It was midst november. It got pretty cold during this time. I walked to my closet to find a sweater. I saw a big grey one. This was Christians sweater, the one I used the day he asked me to be his girlfriend down at the beach. He was the most amazing person I had ever come into my life. I still havent thanked him for "saving my life". So I decided I wanted to do something for him. I texted him telling him to come over around 8:00. I was going to have a romantic candlelit dinner. I didnt know what to cook. The only thing I know how to cook is like pasta and chicken. So I decided to make some garlic pasta and breaded chicken. My mom taught me how to cook somethings. Me and my mom hadnt really had a conversation after our encounter at the hospital. But then again I havent really seen her since the hospital. She came to sign me out of the hospital but christian took me home since she left. No one at school knew what happened cause they didnt really care. My only close friends were Hazel, Levi , Jack and thats about it. But they didnt need to know. I didnt want them to worry. I finished cooking and put the food away to stay warm. I went upstairs to start getting ready. I put my phone on my favortie playlist. It concluding of some Lana Del Ray, The Neighborhood, 5SOS, One Direction, Bastille, M83, and Kalin and Myles. I had this one recording of christian singing that I added to the playlist. I hopped in the shower and jammed out. I got out of the shower and my phone was playing Once Upon A Dream that Lana sang on maleficient. She was my queen my idol. I was singing along. Then I realized that I have not oncce told christian that I could sing. I mean I was good but not Lana status. I continued to get ready. I didnt tell Christian to get dressed up cause I didnt want to ruin the surprise. I went to my closet and looked for a nice outfit that would make his jaw drop. I pulled out this black dress that I had never worn before. It was a tank top cut dress. But it split in half that made it look like it was a shirt and a skirt but it had mesh in the middle of it. I let my hair dry out completely and I decided to curl my hair with a curling wand to have bouncy curls. I didnt really wear makeup so I just put on some mascara and some tinted lip gloss. I thought I looked pretty nice. I put on some wedges. It was now 7:30. Christian texted me saying what he should wear. I told him to put on a button down and some jeans. He replied okay. I went downstairs to start setting up the table. I then went into the kitchen to serve the plates, I wanted to make it look nice so I put some garnish on top. I then grabbed two wine glasses and poured some old wine my mom had. We werent going to drink it cause it was old. It was now 7:50 . Christian said he was on his way. That was like 10 minutes ago. My phone buzzed. He said come outside. When I walked outside he was leaning against his car. My jaw dropped and so did his. "YOU LOOK AMAZING" I shouted. He was wearing a white tux. In his hand he had a boquet of roses. He handed them to me and said "you look more beautiful than all the stars and constellations in the sky, I am in love with you Lelani Dallas and nothing in the world will change that nothing will ever make me forget you and I will always love you and you dont have to fear oblivion because I will never ever forget you, I love you" . I began to tear. But I didnt cry. He then walked to the car and turned up the music. He played Once Upon A Dream as we danced under the stars. It was amazing. I would never let him go. After we danced we went inside and ate dinner. Once dinner was finsihed we heade to the roof of my house and layed down beside each other and watched the stars. This was the most perfect night any girl could ever ask for. This was all I wanted and all I needed in the world. Love......

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