Eleven: Trip, bang, blood.

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"Yawn!" Goes Justin.

"Morning, I've made you a cup'pa, my father is coming over today to see Mikasa, I'll persuade him to babysit so that me and you can go out. What y'all think?" I say giving him the cup.

"Perfect, we could do with some time alone." He says, smirking at me.

"That's true, what's on, it's early, why are we up at this time?" I say pulling my laptop from underneath our bed.

"HollyOaks, catch up." He says kissing my cheek. "Babe, it's not early, it's half ten."

"Wahhhh" Cries Mikasa

"I'll get it." He says just as I stand.

"Okay," I say, warmly

I check my emails, and my fan mail, so many people have sent me letter over the past week. Sometime the game gets to my head. Wait, what's that?

"Miss S.Gomez, we would like to introduce you to our record label company, we are wondering if you'd like to come and create a album with us, call on-"  Wait, so they want me to go back into music? Well sure but I want to focus on acting for a while. But let's go for it. I'll get ready later.

"Guys have you seen my hairspray, rose red nail polish or my hair curlers?" Leah asks walking into my room.

"No sorry." I say dismissing her.

The doorbell rings and I jump out of bed.


I rush calling my fathers name, I hear him chuckling. My ankle clicks and I trip. I grab the banisters in my stairs but fail and gripping into them and fall head first. Trip, bang, I smack my head off the laminate flooring in the hallway.

"Selena!" Justin calls from upstairs.

"Father," I whimper, I can feel the blood dripping and creating a pool around me.

So, is Selena okay? Or is is six feet under? Read to find out. The competition has been set for longer, you have until chapter fifth-teen is up. Get writing. Stay Happy, and may the odds be ever in your favour.


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