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A/N: Hi! Thanks for supporting my story! I really tried my best to update as soon as possible... so here it is! Hope you enjoy.


*Ji Eun's POV*

"Ji Eun!" I immediately turned to Minhyuk when he called me. "Lets go! We're gonna be late" He said, so I rushed towards him then we walked together to his car.

It's been 3 days since we became a couple and its a little awkward. Im not used to being with him, especially now that we're together.

"Hyuk, what time is it?" I asked him as he started to drove away.

"Its 5 minutes to 7, so we're almost late but dont worry I'll go fast" He smiled sweetly and it made me blush.

"Uhh.. Hyuk, aren't you nervous about our classmates reactions, especially our friends?" I asked worriedly. As you know, we arrived yesterday from our retreat and now its back to normal. School again and also are friends still doesn't have a clue about me and Hyuk in a relationship coz we just made it as a secret.

"Hey, dont worry. Im sure they'll be shocked and of course happy" He said, assuring me. Maybe he's right. I heavily sighed.

"Okay then. But dont leave my side okay?" I told him. He just nodded as he held my hand.


"Lets go in?" He asked while standing infront of the school gate. I just nodded as I held his hand then we walked inside.

"Hyuk..." I whispered when I saw everyone's reactions. They all knew about me and Minhyuk being like TOM and JERRY and Im sure they're confused with what they are seeing right now.

"Its fine" He said in a comforting way as he took his hand from my grip and placed it on my shoulder. "Chill okay" He added then pulled me close. What is he doing? He's making things worse.

"OH MY GOD!" Shit! Someone suddenly shouted when we went inside our classroom.

"Is this the end?!" I heard another voice. I just shook my head.

"What do we have here" At least our friends are not overreacting like the others.

"Is this true?" Luhan asked as he walked towards us looking shocked.

"Yeah it is! Like you and Cas... in a relationship too" Minhyuk then smirked. I giggled, Luhan's so cute when blushing. Yeah, what Hyuk said about Luhan and Cas. Its all true! After that night at the hotel, Luhan started asking Cas to be his girlfriend even if it would be a LDR. And it went great, Cas said yes so they ended up having a Long Distance Relationship.

"Shut up, Hyuk!" Luhan slapped Hyuk then everyone started laughing.

"But for real.. What we're seing now is true?" Suzy asked and I just nodded while Minhyuk just smiled.

"But how? Why didnt we knew? Especially me, Hyuk! Im your bestfriend" Sungjae complained while pouting.

"Yah! Dont pout! You look ugly" Minhyuk complained as he pinched his bestfriend's cheek. Then we started laughing again.

"Hey, seriously why didnt you guys told us about your relationship? Is it that private?" Changsub asked then Minhyuk and I looked at each other, we just both smiled.

"Hellooo~ Earth to Minhyuk! Earth to Ji Eun! Aren't you both gonna explain?" Chanyeol asked but I just cutely smiled at him.

"Aish! Im getting annoyed here! Hyuk, I've been your messenger for years but you cant answer a simple question? Just think that its a thank you answer for me.. please" My eyes widened with what Eunkwang said. I turned to my friends and saw their surprised reactions, even Hyuk's.

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