Author's Note

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Wow! What a journey we've been through. When we first started this book on the Story Builder 1.0 thread, we'd never imagine that it would turn into something as special as this! Bulletproof really has taken us for a ride in terms of themes, writing, editing, and development. It's so amazing how a few writers on one thread can turn one idea into something great!

We hoped you enjoyed this book because we sure had fun writing it! This book would be nothing without all of the hard work and contributions of cadyhumanchessaandersen-tropicalmindsJamesHansen806barbielpoetic_oceanxX, and Bandit26139

However, we would missing an important group if we only mentioned the authors here. The most important members and contributors to our book are you readers! The support that you give us by voting, reading, and commenting on our work really motivates us as writers to continue to write! Thank you for taking the time to read our book! We really appreciate it!



Chessa Andersen loves writing, her three cats, and the first three seasons of Community. She absolutely hated the ending to How I Met Your Mother, but she would follow actress Alyson Hannigan anywhere (even off a cliff).


Bandit26139 is a budding author, voracious reader, and overall book nerd who joined the wattpad community back in 2014. She took a long hiatus and returned back to Wattpad in 2019 to complete some of her old stories that were first constructed in her early teens. She is currently a sophomore studying Civil and Environmental Engineering at a Big Ten University in the United States. When not struggling with coursework, Bandit26139 enjoys kayaking, writing, composing music (on piano, guitar, or ukulele), lifting (weights), and going on walks.


poetic_oceanxX is a young female who loves to write, is working toward becoming an author, loves anime, and joined Wattpad in 2019. When she's not writing she's watching anime, or other TV shows, or enjoying time with her family and friends. poetic_oceanxX loves to see others smile, and she is excited to know that her writing can stir something within her readers; it truly brings her joy.


barbiel is a writer and filmmaker who has always loved the WP community. After being back for so long, she is excited to see and explore her writing roots again. She hopes to continue to spread love, compassion, and growth in her writing and in real life.


Who was your favorite ship in the book?

poetic_oceanxX: Kane & Bruce<3

cadyhuman: Sugar Kane and Brucey Bear of course.

barbiel: My favorite ship is Wick and Lane in their one night stand. It was wild and playful despite their drunken state. I also enjoyed Bruce and Lane's scene with Ace and Jersey watching them. Ahhh so hard to choose between those two!

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