New Jersey 2001

433 39 89

Gerard's first mistake was telling Geoff Rickly that he had started a band. Geoff had become quite successful over the last few years - Thursday had two albums and a record deal - so maybe Gerard should have known better, but when they met up for coffee one morning, he off-handedly mentioned his new rock band, not expecting anything to come of it.

"That's amazing!" Geoff exclaimed. "Wait a second, I've got a great idea. You should play a show sometime. It could be in my basement. I'll spread the word that you're playing, and I bet lots of people will come just to see you. It's going to be so much fun."

"Geoff, I don't know about this," Gerard said.

"What's the problem?"

"We've only written, like, three songs."

"So? You can play those three songs. It'll be great."

"We don't have a bassist."

"You can play without a bassist."

"This really isn't a good idea," Gerard said. "Everyone's going to hate us."

"Come on, Gerard. If you're going to be a real band, you'll have to play at some point, right?" Geoff said.

He had a point. Gerard stared into the bottom of his now empty coffee cup and then said, "I guess so, but we need to practice more first."

"Will you be ready by next Friday?" Geoff asked.

"Can we wait until the Friday after that at least?" Gerard said, trying his best to delay the inevitable.

"Yeah, that's fine," Geoff said. "I can't wait to hear you guys. I can already tell that you're going to change the world...or at the very least, you'll put on a really good show in my basement."

Gerard laughed. "Thanks, Geoff," he said.

"So who else is in your band?"

"Just Ray and Matt."

"That's so cool. I always thought that Ray was a really good guitarist."

"That's why I asked him to join," Gerard said. He was proud of his little group, although he was still trying to figure out how exactly they would put on a live show without a bassist.

"What's your band called anyways?" Geoff asked.

"I don't know," Gerard said. "We haven't thought about that yet."

"Oh okay," Geoff said.

"Enough about me," Gerard said. "Tell me about Thursday. You guys are signed to Victory now, right?" He'd heard the news from Mikey, who, unlike Gerard, actually paid some attention to the local music scene.

Geoff groaned. "Don't get me started," he said. He went on a long rant about his new record label, and Gerard tried his best to listen, but his mind was wandering again. He had some new ideas for songs, and he decided that he would call Matt and Ray after he got home. They needed more songs, they needed a bassist, but most of all, they desperately needed to practice before they stepped onstage for the first time.

Gerard's second mistake was getting drunk out of his mind right before the show started. While Ray and Matt set up their equipment, Gerard tried his best to calm his nerves. It was too late to back out now, to tell his bandmates and his friends that he just couldn't do it, so he drowned his sorrows, his fear, and his pain, until he couldn't feel a thing. When Ray came back, he asked Gerard if he was okay.

"I'm fine," he said, but the words came out slurred. "Let's go. Let's play the damn show already."

Ray and Matt exchanged a glance, unsure if they should go on, but Geoff was already at the microphone, introducing the band. "And now, get ready for...I Don't Know, We Haven't Thought About That Yet!"

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