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Great !! First i took 5 days leave when exams are near then i am late on the first day..

while running through the hallway of school i said to myself...

Mr.Choi gonna scold me good now...

No one's POV

Y/N came running infront of the class and shut open the door of classroom while panting hard, she quickly bowed looking down apologetically...

Y/N : I-im sorry sir i'll be-

Suddenly a voice interuppted her.

?? : Miss where are your manners???

she looks up and faced an unfamiliar man infront of her as she frowned

Y/n : Who are you ??

She said looking at young and unfamiliar man infront of her

?? : Woah first you disturbed my class and now asking me who i am ??.......plus aren't you late as school already started 10 mins ago

he said lifting up his eyebrow

First of all Hello Teacher, Second I'm sorry for disturbing your class third i have my reasons to be late atleast liste-

she got cut again

?? : i don't wanna hear any of your excuses take your seat and let me continue my class it's your first warning now go

Y/n's POV

I was embarrassed and frustrated.  walking towards my seat, I look over my classmates and they all giving me concerning looks.

Eh what's with them..

I thought and took my seat

We don't have many students in our section that's why we all are few and close with each other also our class teacher a strict but the best teacher in the world, he always help us and treat us like their own children but talking about him why he is not here today and what's with him ?? Who is he ?? He looks so handsome and youn-

I thought admiring the man teaching infront of the class but my thoughts of train stopped when..

Teacher : Stop looking at me and take out your books you are here to study not to see me

handsome but what a jerk i want Mr. Choi back....i scoffed

Y/N : o-okay

good i'm more embarrassed now.

he starts to teach his lesson...I was impressed with his way of teaching...

I'm one of top student here and maths always been my favourite subject so yeah...

everyone was just listening to him but i'm sure their faces screaming "save me" i couldn't concerntrate in his class properly because he kept glaring at me,  what did i do now ???

Bell start to ring!!!

Everyone in class sighed in relief

What's with these people they never acted like this way before..??

I wonder and watched him leave the class

I quickly got up and walk to my bestfriend it's been 5 days the last i contacted her, i was so busy that i couldn't do so,,,,also i wants to know what's the tea with this teacher


Lisa : Yah! YaH! don't scare me and where were you huh ?? You didn't even picked my calls or replied to my texts,,,,, you know how much we got bored without you and also i was so worried about you and even went to your home but nobody was ther-

i cut her words..

Y/N : BREATHE LISA BREATHE i'm here to explain you everything

Lisa : fine better have a good reason

She said crossing her hands on chest.

Y/N : well i went to USA with my mother for 5 days she couldn't leave me alone here you know my mom,,,she had some bussiness meeting there and it all was just happen so sudden that i forget to tell anyone but i emailed Mr.Choi that i'm taking leave for 5 days

and then it hit me

Y/n : Lisa where is Mr.Choi and who is that jer- i mean man ??

Lisa : DEVIL HE IS A DEVIL!!! also Mr.Choi left and no one knows the reason, we just saw this man when we came here that's it.

she simply shrugged.....

Y/N : what!?...and literally why y'all so scared of him ?? 

Lisa : I don't know how to explain it to you but you will see it just a little wait

She sighed and our next subject started


Bell rang indicating school is over for today..

I took my bag and left the class but i was so in rush that didn't saw someone coming to my way and bumped onto him making both of us land on our butt

I winced in pain

?? : What's your problem always making mess around.

i look infront of me Mr.Jeon rubbing his butt in pain i wanted to laugh but bite my lips instead trying not to laugh

Y/N : I-im so sorry sir here let me help yo-

he slaped my hand away and stands by himself while glaring at me

Mr.Jeon : Stupid students like you really never do any work properly now move i have to go..

he said passing away beside me

His words pissed me off....like seriously how can he disrespect me like this everytime i quickly walks back to stand infront of him again.

Y/N : Excuse me i said sorry to you and that's how you repay me ?? Atleast i have some respect not like you

Mr.Jeon : Did i ask for your sorry ?? No right?? Plus first impression is the last impression...your first impression already got ruined now move i have work to do..

he walked away leaving my jaw dropped on the floor i wanted to fight back but words just lost their way..

Mr.Jeon POV :

Aish I don't like her already such a irresponsible student, first not concerntrating in class then this..

"troublemaker student"

Shaking his head to get out of all thoughts and got back to his work

To be continue

( Sorry for grammatical mistakes and hope you will enjoy it !! I'll update next chapter after two days)

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