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when jungkook took hold on my hand i was shocked but i let him do it because of many people there and i do not wanted to get lost or hurt, sitting at restraunt lisa teased us again which made atmosphere around us more awkward...

Lisa : so y'all going to eat your food or just going to stare at it ??

she said raising her eyebrow

Jungkook : yes we should eat now it's going to be late and tomorrow we have school

he clear his throat and start eating his food

We all nodded and start eating our food too

After 15 Mins

Hobi : so y/n you will be joining us at school after 2-3 days right??

Y/n : yes also..

I looks over Lisa

Y/n : I suggest you to take your classes now I'll be joining you after 2 days anyways so..

Lisa : okay ma'am but I'll take care of Mrs.Kim with you after school as I don't have anything else to do..and i can spend time with you too.

I nodded in response..

Y/n : okay then let's go??

Hobi : yes let's g-

Lisa : No WAIT!!

Lisa suddenly shouted, we all looked at her then she start scratching her neck..

Lisa : I mean i have to go straight to my house from here so I'll take hobi with me to drop me, Mr.Jeon can company you to the hospital?? Is that okay??..

I looked at her suspiciously ever since yesterday she really acting so strange, I tried looking into her eyes but she keep avoiding and nervously laughed before saying..

Lisa : ahaha I want some alone time with hobi, I will take him now please excuse us and take care GOODNIGHT!!

she said as she grabbed hobi's hand and left the restaurant before screaming good night to us....but main question does she even know what she just said??

I shrugged it off and looks back at Jungkook who had that small smile on his lips.

Y/n : Why you smiling??

Jungkook then looks at me and shook his head..

Jungkook : Nothing let's go.

Y/n : But-

He again grabbed my hand and we left, damn sure my cheeks got red after his action.

End of y/n's POV

Hobi : So you have any plan on saying something or will just keep staring at ground while walking??

He said this for 15th time to Lisa as she didn't utters a single word after they left the place.

Hobi : You said you wanna talk with me?? About what??

He keep asking question in hope she maybe atleast say something..

Then hobi remember something and tried to tease her making sure to get a reply back.

Hobi : You said...You want alone time with me, do you like me??

He said in a teasing voice and wiggles his eyebrows at her

Lisa snaps her head towards him and he got so shocked seeing her whole face red as tomatoes.

Hobi : Oh my god Lisa are you okay?? Why are you red?? do you have fever??

He said and put his hand on her forehead to check her temperature but suddenly she starts crying making hobi panicked

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