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No one's POV

Jungkook is on my his way to the hospital to meet y/n's mother well he is lowkey nervous and keep thinking what to say or do when he will meet them ?? but then his phone starts ringing..he saw caller ID and smiled

Jungkook : Hey

Lisa : Hey Jungkook how it went yesterday, she called you right ??

Jungkook : Yes she did and now on my way to meet y/n and her mom

Lisa : oh great, make sure to tell me what happened okay ??

Jungkook : Ofcourse

Lisa : okay then see yaa !!!

He arrived and went straight to reception asking for y/n's mom room direction, she told him and he quickly went there.


I was talking with my mom when i heard a knock on the door, i thought it must be doctor but this early ?? I shrugged it off and my mom said Come in

i was in shock to see him here this early

Y/n : S-sir ???

Jungkook : Good Morning Miss Y/n and Mrs. Kim

He said with a smile and giving slight bow

I looked at him and then at my mom who looks confuse...

Y/n : Mom meet my teacher Mr.Jeon i told you he will be joining us today right ??

Mom : Oh the teacher you said is a jer-


I said in panick

Mom : Oh yeah Jeon jungkook

she said and i sighed in relief

Then i look up at mr.jeon who seems lost i stood up and walked to him

Y/n : Sir don't mind my mom she just too friendly and likes to joke around i hope you will not mind

i said my head low and eyes closed while bowing but i didn't get the response so i looked up and saw........no one what-

Mom : Hahaha she is funny right jungkook ??

I quickly looked back seeing jungkook sitting on the chair next to bed

excuse me ?? and when he went there?? and why this is embarrasing??

Y/n : Ha ha ha not funny

Jungkook : Oh come on y/n you no fun

he said laughing and giving my mom a high five A WHAT ???

I looked at Mr.Jeon dumbfounded with my mouth slightly open like he is mr.jeon right ?? What happened to his cold and arrogant side ?? Is he acting ?? What's his plan ?? What i am even thinking ??

Jungkook : Back to earth y/n

he said flicking his finger infront of me and why he suddenly so close to me ??

Y/n : Y-yes sir ??

I said trying to maintain a little space between us, my heart was beating hard

Mom : Y/n baby now can we talk if you done traveling space ??

i looked at her...now why she pulling my leg ??

Y/n : yeah ofcourse have a seat mr.jeon

Jungkook : It's Jungkook for you from now on

my eyes widen and my mom chuckles

Y/n : Ehh what ?? But i'm your student sir i can't-

Jungkook : Miss Y/n as your teacher i'm ordering you to call me Jungkook from now on..

Y/n : Okay si- i mean J-Jungkook

I tried my best not to cringe or roll my eyes while saying that..

god it's awkward and my mom keep smiling looking at us omg i need fresh air

Y/n : I have some work to do i'll be back...you both can continue talking see yaa

they both said nothing just nodded??  Like hello am i not important ?? Stop me atleast ?? Ugh Whatever i'm going... i stood up and quickly left

Jungkook POV

I chuckled looking at her exiting room all flustered but then her mom said something which made me lost my words

Y/n's Mom : You like her don't you ??

my eyes widen and she looking deep into my soul finding an answer

I don't know what to say so i just stayed there in silence

Y/n's Mom : You are still young and i can actually see that spark in your eyes when you see her anyways take time and realize this feeling by yourself hahaha

she laughed but after her words i actually got lost in thoughts.... do i like her ?? What no we just met it's impossible and i'm her teacher there should be no feelings involved right?? i was deep in thoughts but y/n's mother spoke again

Y/n's mom : you know y/n has no one except me in this world and i think this disease will eat me for sure...i don't trust anyone and can't leave her like this in this cruel world alone..

she really seems sad and hurt and i can totally understand her how the fear of losing your love ones feels.

Y/n's Mom : you must be thinking why i'm saying this to you when we just meet right ??? I don't know suddenly i just wanna say these things to you maybe my years of experience saying you are trustworthy and understanding person, if i ever left I'll leave her alone in this world i just hope her close ones really become her motivation and strength also i hope you both get well together as a friend most important.

I stared at her silently while she broke down in tears i stood up and caresses her back...

Jungkook : I'm an orphan

I don't know suddenly i got urge to share my side of story with her too?? i rarely open up to people but she made me so comfortable around her in just 2 hours.

now it's her turn to look at me and listen to me and my story

I continued

Jungkook : My parents died in an accident when i was 5, my grandmother took care of me all these years but god also took her from me, i'm used to being alone and never got time to love or think anything for myself..

I sighed and took her hands on my hands while giving her a assuring smile

Jungkook : but i understand how it feels living alone and no one beside especially those who you love and need most...i don't know if i love y/n or not but i promise you i'll always stand there for her when she need someone to trust, love or for support and also if destiny want us together they will lead us i'm hoping for best

She smiled at me and said

Y/n's mom : i believe you and thank you so much

Jungkook : Also don't think you will left us, fight it together and be happy okay??

She nodded and smiled...her smile is same as y/n.....beautiful



Who is that ?? Anyways this is for today hope y'all will enjoy also sorry for any grammatical mistake see ya loves 💜

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