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Jungkook's POV

Entering the class and first thing i saw y/n and taehyung laughing with each other which ruined my mood in instant and i don't know why.

I hardly shuts the door close making whole class flinch in shock because of loud noise.

Y/n and Taehyung also stopped laughing and whole class looked at me.

I lowkey feel embarrassed with my actions now but i don't know what just got into me for a second.

I cleared my throat and went near my desk.

Mr.Jeon : Good afternoon,

I said with a smile.

Mr.Jeon : listen during our lesson no one will look back or disturb person infront of them okay??

They all nodded and I got so proud of myself as i looked over y/n while smiling but soon i wipe it off when we made eye contact.

Lisa's POV

Hobi and me tried best to hide our laugh at how jealous and possessive he sounds just now.

I looked back at Taehyung who is sitting at backseat, behind y/n

I winked at him and he did the same. As we saw our plan working.

Yes Taheyung know about the plan, he accepted to help us instant after we explained everything to him, he want good for y/n and want to see her happy again with someone who really love her,,,,it's now like he never liked her, he had feelings for her but as he already had a girlfriend that time which no one knew about so he prevented himself making any move on y/n that's it.

But this guy smacked him on the head.

Hobi : Yah why you winking at her.

He shouted almost like a whisper.

Y/n looks back at them and found taehyung rubbing back of his head while my eyes widen,,,,,this man i swear to god.

Taehyung : dude chill it's just a wink.

Y/n : Never wink at someone's crush especially infront of them.

I start to blush as she just laughed.

Taehyung : Noted

Mr.Jeon : Yah! What i just told y'all NO TALK.

He shouted and we quickly nodded before going back to our lesson.

I noticed how Mr.Jeon keep stealing glances at y/n during the class which surely made me so happy uwu.

After 10 mins

Mr.Jeon : Okay so I'm giving you some question do it now and if anyone have any problem just ask me I'll come and help you.

Class nodded and we start to do our work silently.


I was busy doing my work until i heard areum calling Mr.Jeon

Areum : Mr.Jeon can you help me with this question please??

I looked over him and he nodded while going towards her seat.

i ignored at first but my curiosity keep forcing me to look at them he was helping her and areum keep putting her hand on his hand everytime but it gave me relief at how everytime he softly push it off him.

Pfft this girl I swear to god can't she leave him alone atleast, see it you dumbo he clearly not liking it - i scoffed looking at them.

I was busy watching them until lisa suddenly taps on my shoulder.

Lisa : Can you stop staring at them it's creepy.

Y/n : what?!! i am not staring at them.

Lisa : Yeah ofcourse you must be staring at the spider on the wall near them right??

Y/n : Whatever go back to our work now.

I said getting pissed but why i'm even mad??

I tried my best to ignore them but areum keep calling him to solve her problem.

This girl really is dumb or just acting like one?? These problem can be solved by even 5th grader - I thought scoffing under my breathe.

Now i can't even focus on my work properly.

Mr.Jeon : Hey you okay?? Do you need help??

My breathe hitched when i saw him leaning down at my seat with his left hand on the desk looking at my sheet.

Y/n : n-no I-I'm okay.

i felt like punching myself for shuttering.

He smiled at me....Omg he looks so handsome "I thought"....wait what??

Mr.Jeon : here this question, you put the value wrong this can make your whole solution wrong.

I looked at the question and saw i copied wrong digits, that's why my answer keep getting wrong.

I lowered my head pursing my lips in embarrassment as i nodded to him.

Y/n : yes, Thank you Mr.Jeon

He nodded and went away but i felt my heart skipping a beat when his fingers brushed over my hand.

I felt heat on my cheeks but i quickly lowered my head so no one can see it.

After 30 minutes.

Our last class is over and students start to leave the class to go their home but here i am sitting on the chair with my crossed arms seeing my friends getting ready to leave too.

Lisa : Can't you just leave and ditch this detention??

Y/n : so you want me to get in trouble do you??

Lisa : nevermind enjoy your detention.

She said and got up with both of boys ready to leave until..

Mr.Jeon : Y/n you not going with them??

he said and before i can answer lisa spoke

Lisa : She got detention today sir so she have to stay 2 more hours here.

Mr.Jeon : what?? What you did now??

i was about to speak but lisa starts speaking first

Lisa : She was zoning out during Mr.Cha class so he gave her detention.

Mr.Jeon : Oh...well don't worry you will not get bored as i am incharge for detention class today.

My face light up because i thought mr.cha will be incharge and he will give me notes to write like last time again.

Lisa : Good then i don't have to worry about her,,,,if he is with you.

Y/n : hobi can you please take this creature out of here??

All 3 boys starts laughing.

Lisa : Yah! How can you disrespect me like that??

Y/n : Okay I'm sorry don't pout now go also take care.

I said laughing at her angry pout.

They all nodded and hobi dragged angry Lisa out of the room with him.
That's for today, sorry for any grammatical mistakes and take care 💜

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