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Jungkook POV

Thank god i was quick to correct it..

Jungkook : oh i mean i like your mind too.

She looked at me with her eyes narrowed at me while i just smiled innocently to her.

Y/n : you are a weirdo..

Jungkook : atleast not a trouble maker.

I joked and she glared at me...she looks damn cute...hahaha

Y/n : Yah! Are you trying pick a fight with me?

Jungkook : and what you gonna do?? punch me with those little hands??

Y/n : you're lucky that you're my teacher.

Jungkook : oh i feel honored.

She scoffed at me while i just smiled teasing her.

Y/n : anyways shall we go now??

Jungkook : okay let's go...

He paid and we left for my house.

After 10 minutes of ride to house.

Y/n : okay Thank you for the ride sir, I'll be leaving now. See ya tomorrow.

She was about to leave the car until i stopped her.

Jungkook : y/n what about if i talk to your mom today about amusement park ???

Y/n : now??

She start to think and her expression saying she doing anything but thinking about it.

Jungkook : Hey Y/n..

I waved my hand infront of her to bring her back to the earth.

She snapped out of it and said...

Y/n : okay then let's go.

Jungkook : hold up what were you even got zoned out for??

She looked at me and scratches her head slowly while nervously smiling.

Y/n : oh i started to make whole scenario what will my mom gonna think when she will see you with me dropping me from the school and then asking her about me joining for amusement park..

I got nervous listening to her words.

Jungkook : will she get mad?? will she think I'm a creep???

Y/n : actually not that hopefully, I don't know how but she likes you so you safe on that case. I'm just scared of her teases.

I start to laugh at her face which looks too adorable while she afraid of her mom teasing her.

Jungkook : oh well I'm Jeon Jungkook after all who will not like me??

I said with my whole chest.

Y/n : Me

She said with a straight face and i couldn't read if she is serious or joking as my shoulder drop down.

But then she starts laughing which made me confused.

Y/n : aww look at your face, worth seeing.

She said copying my words from earlier.

Y/n : now you know how it feels when someone tease you but let it go now let's go a lot is waiting for us inside.

She said and we left the car together then she suddenly holds my hand dragging me inside while i just stared at her figure with a smile.

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