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Lisa POV

Hobi and me decided to go to café near school, Taehyung went straight to his house as her mother called him.

We are now sitting on the table near window chatting and teasing each other. Enjoying our little date.

Hobi : you look beautiful in black hair.

Lisa : y-yah can you stop??

Hobi : what?! I'm just complimenting my girl that's it.

Lisa : i know you are doing this to tease me pfft.

Hobi : maybe..but I'm saying the truth.

I looked at him and blushed as he laughed hard looking at my red face.

Lisa : I hate you so much

I said slapping his hand on the table and he starts rubbing it.

Hobi : heartless girl.....it hurts.

Lisa : serve you right.

I stick out my tongue at him and he did the same after that we start drinking our chocolate milk.

Until i remember something which i thought hobi should know.

Lisa : you know i told y/n's mom about jungkook's crush on her.

I said sipping my milk but this man choked on it.

Hobi : w-WHAT!!?

I rolled my eyes at him like why he even get surprise anymore at my actions when he know me so well.

Lisa : yeah so what??

Hobi : I really can't with your stupid surprises but when and what you told Mrs.Kim??

Lisa : oh remember when i asked you to get jungkook's number??

He nodded and i continued.

Lisa : I already start to have a feeling that day he likes her but just ignored until you told me he asked about to her the whole week we were absent.

Hobi : but don't you think that's one crazy move?? What if she got mad at jungkook huh??

Lisa : no dumbo, I know her mom so well and i thought i just need to discuss this with someone but can't do it with y/n and you know why,,,,so i thought why not her mom.

Hobi : am i invisible??

Lisa : as i said earlier your ass can't handle shit, you would have spilled everything to jungkook that time.

Hobi : how about now???

Lisa : you have death wish??

I death glared at him

Hobi : ohk....nvm but what you told her??

Lisa : hmm so,


I saw y/n leaving the room and thought this is the right time to talk with Mrs.Kim about Jungkook.

I quickly walked towards her bed as she was taking her medicines.

Lisa : aunty

I said gaining her attention.

Mrs.Kim : yes love??

she said after taking her last medicine.

Lisa : I wanna ask what you think about teacher and student's relationship??

Mrs.Kim : huh?? a relationship with mutual respect??

Lisa : umm not like that...i mean like.

I paused for a moment and said.

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