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To me Taehyung's behavior looked so weird during the ms.Han's class so i decided to talk to him, after all we used to share our problems before & now she looks kinda sad too.

After the school ended i quickly went out straight to Taehyung's side. He saw me and smiled walking slowly beside me.

Hobi and Lisa also joined us but as i'm waiting to talk to him alone I'll not say anything now....until i heard someone call us.

Ms.Han : hey Wait !!!

we all looked at her back and she was walking towards us with Mr.Jeon beside her??

for some reasons i didn't liked it but shrugs it off.

Hobi : Ms.Han do you need something??

Ms.Han : Oh no we just finished early today so thought why don't we join you today..

She said smiling looking at us but someone not liking the idea of it and I know exactly who it is..

Taehyung : So guys you can go with them I'll take my leave now see ya tomorrow..

he was about to walk away until i called him.

Y/n : Tae wait !!

He stopped turning around waiting for me to continue..

Y/n : Umm can i join you for the ride ??

I asked him which surely wasn't good idea as now everyone looking at me in weird way.

Y/n : I mean my leg is kinda hurting so i just don't wanna walk today hobi and Lisa will join you bot-

Mr.Jeon : you can join me in my car after all ms.Han have her own car she can give ride to hobi & Lisa tho right Ms.Han??

I wanted to protest but Taehyung was fast.

Taehyung : I'll drop her home you guys can go..

I looked at Mr.Jeon guilty as he kinda looked sad but I'll explain to him later maybe..

Lisa : you sure you okay maybe I join you if it's hurting bad??

she asked concerned

Y/n : hey no its okay I'm fine

Then everyone there looked so silent so I took it as my chance to go before someone again stop me.

Taehyung's car

Taehyung parked his car far from everyone so they went other away while we went down parking lot at the building.

He was awfully silent even before entering the car which now kinda making atmosphere awkward so I decided to break the ice until-

Y/n : So I-

Taehyung : I know you noticed it

I was speechless, words literally stuck up inside my throat as his voice cracked a little.

Y/n : Hey I'm sorry, if you not ready to share its alright just suit yoursel-

He cut me off with a hug...I was SHOOKTH

Y/n : I-I-

I didn't know what to say as I heard crying sniffs in my left year..

Y/n : Tae why are you crying what happened ??

I said kinda panicking as it's totally unexpected

Taehyung : I loved her I LOVED HER SO MUCH but she choosed everything over me..

Okay now I'm confused like What???

I softly caresses his back before saying

Y/n : who did what?? what are you saying??

He broke the hug and looked into my eyes.

My breathe stuck in my body because of the closeness..

Taehyung : I trust you so much and you know that right??

I nodded slowly as he closed his eyes before sighing deeply..

He went back to his seat sitting properly back.

Taehyung : Y/n i liked you too at that time but you know things not always go how we like it to go...

Okay so now i don't know should i cry or be happy knowing my ex-crush actually liked me?? but why he telling me this?

Y/n : okay but what's bothering you?? It's all past let it go.

Taehyung : So the thing is-

I know this is small update but I'll be completing this story soon so wait for it and thank you who waited, sorry for any grammatical mistakes see ya on next update now !!

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