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Lisa's POV at school

I've been skipping school with y/n for a whole week now because her mother's condition going worse everyday and i know there is no one in her family expect her mother so i stayed whole week with her to take care of her while she was taking care of her mother but today she forced me to go school so here i am :)

Lisa : Hey Hobi ??!

i approached him in the hallway

Hobi : Oh Lisa hey...

he said with his big heart smile

Hobi :  where've you been and where is y/n?? We all tried to contact you but no response not even y/n..

Lisa : I'll tell you everything later now let's go class is about to start or that devil will eat us...

Hobi : hahaha no lisa chill he ain't gonna do anything..

Lisa : You saying this? Last i knew you hated him to guts?? You know him hobi-

My words got cut by him when he lightly smacked on my forehead..

Lisa : Yah!! YAH YOU-

Hobi : You didn't came school for whole week ofcourse you wouldn't know anything ;)

Lisa : What do you mean??

Hobi : Just like you said "LATER" now let's gooooo~~~

before i could say something he grabbed my hand and dragged me into the class i lowkey liked it but do i look like some dragging toy ??

I entered class and saw Mr. Jeon standing beside his table looking into some papers,

Lisa : Good Morning Mr. Jeon

i greeted him but he seemed to be busy in his work tssk arrogant jerk

She was about to left when he heard Mr.Jeon said

Jungkook POV

I was busy with some paper when i heard someone greeting me i didn't gave any reaction at first as i was too busy but then i looked up to greet back,,,, i saw Lisa my eyes widen i quickly called her

Jungkook : Good Morning miss lisa,

she looked back, bowed to me and said..

Lisa : Oh Mr. Jeon sorry if i disturbed you,  i was just goin-

i didn't let her complete her words and said

Jungkook : May i ask where were you this whole week ??

I said without looking at her and busy scanning whole class looking for someone..

Lisa : Oh Mr.Jeon sorry i forget to inform you but i was with y/n, her mother is sick so i was with her to take care of her

When she mentioned y/n i quickly looked at her and heard what she said

Mr. jeon : She not came with you today ?? Is her mother okay now ???

Lisa : yes sir her mom is okay now and she will maybe continue after 2-3 days she told me to inform

she bowed and was about left when..

Jungkook : Umm may i ask you a favor ??

Lisa : Yes sir??

Jungkook : Tell her to contact me when she get free also that i sent get well soon wishes to her mom

I swear to god when i said this she looked at me like I stole her man or something, i quickly said something so she don't get me wrong..

Jungkook : *clears throat* She is my student i should know about her well being that's it and also it just she scored good marks in her exams so i wanted to congratulate her

Lisa : it's ok sir you don't have to explain, i can see how much you start to CARE for her

She said pressuring care word great now she thinks i'm a creep..

Jungkook : No no i was just-

Bell starts ringing

I sighed and told her to go on her seat

Back to Lisa's POV

He really seem to changed so much like he didn't screamed at any student today and was so calm while talking to me, i thought only y/n was lost now i'm too what's happening here ??

I said looking at him i don't feel like studying today so i just watched him being bored

School ended

"Hobi was busy with his project whole day so i wasn't able to ask him about to Mr.Jeon"


she shouted his name when she saw him exiting school

hobi saw her and smiled widely while approaching her

Lisa : H-hey

Omo he looks so handsome my heart

Hobi : Wassup?? Were you waiting for me uwu *he said doing aegyo*

"Kdhfskdkjf STOP IT'S TOO CUTE"

Lisa : Yah!! Stop doing that it's cringe and yes i waiting for you to tell me what's with mr.jeon ???

Hobi suddenly laughed and pinched my cheeks

hobi : It's just he told me that he don't wanna look like a strict and cold person anymore when he is clearly not and also said he would like to have a good bonding with us ...

i controlled myself when he pinched my cheeks " lisa don't blush noo"

Lisa :  Why so sudden?? Devil really changed how??

Hobi : who knows *he shrugged* anyways you know he talked about y/n a lot like saying...i was rude to her she is a brilliant student and how no one suddenly making trouble for him and he laughed lol he cracked many jokes too hahaha

Hmmmm so it's like this huh?? I smirked

Lisa : Hobi i have one request from you can you pls...........

First Update done !!! I'll update next one in some hours and sorry for any grammatical mistakes enjoy loves💜

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