𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐝𝐚𝐲 [ᴊᴊᴋ ᴘᴏᴠ]

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The time has finally come, our first Valentine as a couple. I can't be more excited to shower him with the love he deserves. After all, the disrespect he has gone through is something I want him to forget. Now, it's my time to shine as a boyfriend. Oh, the date who many people both love and hate. I've hated it before, dreaded for it come, seeing the many happy couples as I was alone. But now, I have someone that I love to spend the day with me, Kim Taehyung, the love of my life. A lot of people think that a couple must be dating for a certain amount of time before they tie the knot, I don't believe that. Some people's love can develop quicker than others, like a flower who need specific care to blossom.

We have been dating for less than a year, our anniversary is on April 1st, taekook day, as many call it. That's mostly our friends, though, and parents. It was amazing how quickly we fell in love with one another, but that came as an expected gift to many. According to our parents, they knew this would end up happening, us being inseparable since birth. Nothing ever brought us down, like every other friendship, we had our disagreements, but that never stopped us from being the closest friends. Taehyung was the one that realized his feelings first, telling me while at a party with our friends around a year ago. That's when he snapped the chain holding down my feelings, making me blurt them out in front of everyone.

That's our background, and now we have a future together. A long one full of love and happiness, going back to the holiday, I'm very excited to give him everything he wants. That will take some convincing, but my puppy eyes will do the trick. Now that we're on the topic, I want to talk about my boyfriend. The most beautiful thing in the world, the moving art, the ethereal angel that can become a demon elsewhere. He is the most amazing thing that can ever happen to anyone, even if he's just a friend to you. An amazing sibling, son, best friend, boyfriend, and future husband.
"Tae, you know what tomorrow is, right?" I waited until he nodded at me to continue, I could see the little smile playing on his plump lips, "Our first Valentine together, and you're gonna let me spoil you. No questions, or comments. Please, baby."

I could see that he wanted to argue, but then shocked me as he slowly nodded. This must have something else, he would never let me do stuff like this. Not gonna mention it, though, he might want to change his mind and that's something I can't afford. I got so lucky with him, effortlessly gorgeous.

"Fine, but the next Valentine is mine, babe. No questions, or comments." He told me, getting up quickly and kissing me in the check, leaving the burning sensation I had grown to love.
Just like promised, Friday was going to be amazing. I asked my mom if she could make us breakfast, since I can't cook, and she agreed. It was a miracle since she was always at work around those hours. Since it was a weekend, I let him sleep until he wanted which was until 10:30 AM. Sharp. Everything was ready, the ballons and the food, and the little gifts, everything was set. He came out of the room, as perfect as ever, his hair messy and sticking up in all places, his face still holding tiredness but looking as bright as ever. Pouty lips that looked as kissable as ever, god, I love him. As expected, he had marks of toothpaste on his shirt that was already drying. The most perfect human being on the planet.

The way they hugged was special since Taehyung was both the bottom and shorter by one inch, he hugged Jungkook's neck while the younger held his waist. It was their favourite thing, never getting tired of doing just that. It brought back the memories of when they were younger and often hugged each other like that when the other cried. It brought back many memories, both sadness and happiness. That's why we never changed it, just feeling each other brought love to us, but adding something meaningful makes it even better.

I can't believe this dude is mine. He will be my husband later in our lives, mark my words, he's not getting rid of me easily. A fun fact is that when we were younger, we carved our initials on a tree near his house, they're still there. We thought it was super cool, showing the world that they could never beat our friendship. It was something stupid, that held more meaning than we realized. Back to my boyfriend, he has arrived in front of me, I can feel his minty breath on my neck. He stretches his arms and wraps them around my muscular body. As if on instinct, my arms go straight to his waist. We stay like that for a little bit, me being the first to pull away so I can place a kiss on his lips.

The feeling never goes away, it's magical. I hope it never changes, even though we have done it several times, the love I feel has never faltered. Amazing how quickly things change, there is truly one step between love and hate. My love for this holiday has become a thousand times different since he changed his job in my life, being my boyfriend took a toll on me. Changing my perspective in more ways than one, mostly about romance and such. We know exactly how the other works, which is why we will last a long time, until the afterlife, if there is one.
-(1 year later)-
Today is Taehyung's year for Valentine's day, been dating for over a year now, and still as happy as ever. Even more in love. His plan was better than mine by far, cuddling in bed for the whole day, making our friends gets us food. Whispering 'I love you's' in the darkness of our room, content with esch other's arms around one another. Nothing better than that. Well, that happened a few years after.

a/n: this happened after I had an amazing valentine's day. the inspiration just came to me, hope you enjoyed reading. also, don't be a silent reader, comment and tell me your thoughts. everything helps.

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