Self Pampering pt1

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I find that when you pamper yourself, you're showing love to yourself and it eases anxiety and bad,unwanted thoughts.
Self Pampering can be many things. Some ways I like pamper myself is by taking long baths that have either bubbles, with a bath bomb, or adding essential oils like lavender and sweet orange. When I bathe, I like to closes my eyes and smell the aromatic oils that give me energy and calm my anxiety. Or I like to bring a book of any genre in the bathtub and steer me away from reality. Even if it's for so long.
Another form of self pampering is through meditation and yoga. When you take care of yourself, you feel less stress, more put together and lesser anxiety in a way.
~ Sorry this is short, but I wanted to say this before i forget☺️ Bambi♡♡♡

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