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This is so short. I am sorry. School is driving me mad!! Curseyouscience! I will try to make the next one longer and posted sooner!

"Hey Little Terror!!" Willian chirps as he catches up with me as I made my deliveries.

"Hey Willy." I smirk and hand someone a package as I walked by them. "How the Terrors goin'?"

"You tell me." He shrugs, rolling his eyes. The two friends laugh, smiling at each other.

* * *

"No!! Ah! William!" I whine as my best friend tried to make me deliver to Ms.Amoire's house. "You do it! Please!" I turn around to face him with a pleading look. He gazes into my eyes for a moment before taking the package from my hands.

"Fine. You stay here with Keri." He grunts and starts towards the house. Keri and I run off, back to the Terror Office, leaving William on his own.

3rd Person'sP.O.V

William knocks of the front door of Ms.Amorie's house, rocking on his heels for a few moments before the lady with jet black hair opened the door.

"Oh. Its you." Ms.Armorie said, frowning. "What happened to Mari?"

"She is back at the Terror Office today, she is tired since we were talking all last night." William shrugs. "Nothing to worry about of course."

"What is your name?"

"William, William Bennet." William shrugs again, wanting to get away as fast as possible.

"Friend of Mari's I am guessing?"

"Best human friend." William confirmed. Ms.Armorie smiles kindly, taking the package from the young boy.

"Wonderful." She steps back and closes the door in William's face. William furrows his eyebrows together, confised but shrugs it off and starts towards the Terror Office to tell his best friend what he had experienced.

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