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I collapse on my bed, feeling empty inside. Why won't William see that this is a very important time of my life? That just because Ms.Amoire creeped him out doesnt mean the world is over? Because he doesn't know my secret of course.

I look around my room, my same room i had since i was little. Nothing was diffrent or not normal except for my so called mother's bow. "Human and Dragon's blood." I whispered and I grabbed it, sitting up.

I set the bow in my lap, staring down at the string before I took my dagger out. "What are you doing?" Keri asked, hoping I wouldn't stab myself.

I ignored her and closed my eyes, letting my dagger find me. I pricked my index finger with my dagger's tip, and a single drop of my warm, dark blood fell onto the bow string.

I then dropped my dagger and put my index finger in my mouth, my tounge against were I cut myself. "Humans." Kerk sighed and I grabbed her wing with my free hand, whe tried to pull away but was afraid to hurt me if she pulled to hard.

I kept my grip on her wing and took my finger out of my mouth, picking up my dagger. Keri squawked in terror not understanding what I was doing, and neither did I. It was like I had the sudden urge.

I pricked Keri's wing and a drop of blood green emerged from the cut, slid down her dark wing, and landed on the bow string. I released her, and dropped my dagger.

The bow fell from my lap, and I felt better. I didn't need to cry anymore. I felt as if nothing just happened between William am I. I couldn't even remember what happened. I felt slightly happier. I felt somewhat, new.

It didnt matter who was my mother... or who was my father. It didnt matter who called me what, or who thought bad of me. I had William, and William was there for me. He wanted me safe, that is all.

I felt new, new because after crying over something silly, and knowing Keri will at least always be here for me, and that is all I need.

I see that I may be a little terror, but I contribute to my community, and the world wouldnt be the same without me, Mari.

Keri nuzzled her face against mine, watching my face as I fought my emotions. Outside, I was a mess, but inside, I was cured.

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