Part 43: Officially Open For Business

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JYP building, Korea No PoV
"What time is it, hang on let me write it down." Lia said while on the phone.
She grabbed some paper and a pen and started to write a time down
"Is that it? Ok good, yeah I'll tell her to call you soon." Lia then hung up the phone

"What's going on? Who was that?" Ryujin asked
"Oh, Ryujin, it's just PD-nim saying we have to be somewhere at a certain time today."
"Ok then!"

Tottenham Hotspur training ground
"Did you hear?" Dele asked
"Hear what?" Joseph replied
"Apparently the boss has given (Y/n) some money to borrow personally, like £1 million."
"Why would (Y/n) need a mil?" Joseph asked
"I don't know, but knowing the boss, he'd only have a good reason to give (Y/n) the money."

"You guys are thinking too much into this, I'm sure both (Y/n) and Poch both know exactly what they are doing and why." Son cut in
"I guess you're right, but I guess we won't find out any time soon." Dele said

Mount Fuji, Tokyo, (Y/n) PoV
Day two of going up Mount Fuji was easier than the first, I got up at 3am and instantly went to the trails.
There were barely any people there which made my trip faster, it was really dark out and I could barely see ahead of me, I then felt my phone ring in my pocket
"Hello?" I said
"Where are you, I went to your hotel and you weren't there?" It was Sensei
"Oh well about that, I'm actually hiking up Mount Fuji right now." I said
"What? You're gonna do his every day?"
"I'm planning to."
"Ok, just come to training when you're done at Mount Fuji."
"Got it."

A couple hours later I got to training, Sensei was waiting for me like always. I got changed into my training gear and got ready to practice.
"You took your time getting here." Sensei said
"Sorry Sensei, I stopped off at the shop for some Pocari Sweat."
"Whatever, let's just start training."
Training was harder today, I was learning all these different blocks and I couldn't keep up for the most part, but what can you expect when you want to finish training in at least two months.
We were nearing the end of training and I had to charge at Sensei and tackle him to the ground, when I got near him however, he blocked and wrapped his arms around me before throwing me to the ground. I was laying down on my back on the floor and I looked up and saw some stuff in the corner of the room.
"Hey Sensei, what's that stuff over there?" I asked while getting up
"What stuff, these?" He pointed to the things I asked about
"Yeah those."
"They're Shinai, bamboo swords used for Kendo."
"Kendo? So sword fighting?"
"Oh fascinating."
"If you finish your training earlier than expected, I could teach you kendo if you want."
"Yeah, but only when you've finished your current training."

My phone then rang from inside my bag, I went over and answered the call, I looked at the caller ID and it was Poch
"It's done, both the Japanese and Korean locations."
"Great! Thank you so much! I'll head over to the Japanese one when I'm done training for today."
"Ok, and about repaying it, dons worry yourself that much, I'm a patient person."
"Now that's sorted, I need to go, the lads need to start training."
"Got it, Thanks!"

I then hung up the phone and turned back to Sensei who was looking at me
"Go on, training is done for today anyway, go do what you need to."
"Thanks Sensei!"

I instantly ran out of the door and headed over to the football pitch which I played on with Ren. When I turned onto the street where the pitch was, there were about twenty teenagers there looking at the pitch.
I moved my way to the pitch entrance to find a familiar face blocking entrance onto the field.
"Ah (Y/n) you're here!" They said
"Miss Davis? What are you doing here? I thought you'd still be chauffeuring in America."
"Well I work for Spurs and Pochettino gave me a call so I'm working here now. I've always wanted to live in Japan. And please call me Charlotte, I told you this before."
"No, if I remember correctly you said to call you whatever I wanted." I replied
"Whatever, So are you ready to get started?"

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