No appointment

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Today was a Saturday, fortunately for Jungkook he didn't have school, but Tae still had to work at the office. Jungkook had just woken up, he realised that the space next to him was cold and empty, meaning Tae had already gone.

Jungkook sat up stretching and looked at his phone, it was already 11am so Tae and the others had left a few hours ago. Jungkook decided he should get up. He stood up and opened the curtains, letting in the sunlight. As he walked past the bed he noticed a note on one of the cabinets. Jungkook went over, picked it up and read it...

Good morning bun, I had to go to work but I couldn't bare waking you up when you looked so peaceful and you don't have school today... You will be home alone until 5 pm but if you get lonely or bored you're more than welcome to come to my company and come to my office :)

I'll see you later bun <3

Jungkook placed the letter back down after reading it and blushed. He decided that after getting washed up and dressed that he would go to Tae as he had nothing else to do, also he missed the older as he hadn't seen him yet today. Jungkook smiled at his mental plan and walked in the bathroom to have a shower.

Many songs later he got out of the shower and walked to the wardrobe, although Jungkook brought his stuff to his new home already, he's been wearing Tae's clothes as it makes him more comfortable and protected. After many choices he finally decided on one of Tae's over sized hoodies which was light pink and paired it with his own black ripped skinny jeans, which tightly sat around Jungkook's thighs.

Once changing he looked at himself in the mirror and smiled. He looked at the time and it was 12:30pm. So he grabbed his phone, wallet and spare keys and left the house. Jungkook decided not to ask Leo if he could drive him as he wanted to walk to get some fresh air. He already knew where Tae's company was because he used to pass it every time he went to the mall and he always admired how amazing it looked from the outside. He never once thought HIS boyfriend would be the one to own the massive company.

Anyway it would take him forever to walk all the way there so he decided to walk to the bus stop and take the bus. After 5 minutes of waiting the bus finally arrived and Jungkook payed for his ticket and sat down. He was kind of nervous to see his boyfriend and just walking into the company's building. He mentally made a plan that he would go to the front desk and ask.

Before he knew it, it was time for him to get off the bus. He then proceeded to walk through the park and down the city street to then come across the massive glass building. Jungkook walked up to it with his mouth agape. It was much bigger than he thought.
He then took a deep breath and walked in.
There were a lot of people in suits and they were everywhere.

'There's so many people in suits and then there's me in a light pink jumper! Nice one kook' Jungkook thought to himself. He then saw the front desk. He nervously walked over and shuffled around a bit.

"Can I help you?"a woman coughed, staring at the boy with dagger eyes.
"U-uh um w-where I-is T-Taetae's.... oh I-I m-mean Mr k-Kim's o-office?" Jungkook stuttered out of pure nerves.
"Mr Kim, you need to make an appointment to see him. No appointment, No seeing" She rolled her eyes at the nervous boy.
"B-but he said I-I c-can come h-here." Jungkook said worried.
"B-But h-he said I can come here" she mimicked in a baby voice. "Pft my ass, why would Mr Kim say that to someone like you" She laughed.

Jungkook started to tear up a bit.
"Kid go and cry somewhere else"
"Ugh I hate people like you! SECURITY.... TAKE HIM AWAY...HES TRESS PASSING" the woman yelled.
Jungkook's face turned pale as he saw two really tall buff men come straight towards him. They harshly pick him up; Jungkook squirmed to get out of their grip but it no use.

"TAETAE" Jungkook screamed hoping that there was a slight chance he was near that part of the building at the time. The guards hit the boy to stop him moving and screaming, once they get to the door they threw Jungkook onto the floor. Jungkook cried in pain as he crashed on the floor. He crawled in a ball and cried from everything that had just happened.

Then to his amazement, he heard a faded voice which he wanted to hear.


Tae was thinking about Jungkook, he really hoped that Jungkook would come to visit. He was currently in his office filling in some paperwork when he suddenly remembered that the front desk doesn't actually know who Jungkook is. So he decided that he would go downstairs to tell Miss.Yun that if he comes, to tell him the directions to my office.
He stood up and walked out of the office passing Yoongi.

"Hey Yoongi"
"Hey Tae- oh wait, apparently there's a boy downstairs and Miss.Yun called the guards on him because he was tress passing or something" Yoongi said not knowing that the boy was actually Jungkook.
"Ah well I'm going down there anyway, so I can get the details of this person while I'm there."
"Okay well I'll leave you to it, by lover boy" Yoongi teased.

Tae just coughed and went to the elevator, he got in and pressed the bottom floor. The only problem about where Tae's office was that it's right at the top of the building as it's more private.

After a few minutes Tae reached the bottom, he walked out and started heading to the front desk. As he did so, he looked from a distance to see what all the commotion was about. He saw someone wearing a familiar light pink jumper squirming in the grip of the security men. He heard the person screaming, but what shocked Tae was when the person screamed his name, but it wasn't his actual name it was

'Wah only my bun calls me - WAIT WHAT!' Tae moved a bit to his right to get a better eyesight. A black hair boy was crying and screaming. Then to his dismay he saw the boy getting thrown outside on the floor harshly. He caught a quick glimpse and it was HIS bun.


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