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It was early the next morning. Jungkook started to move around a bit in bed, until he suddenly felt an arm wrapped around him securely. He gently turned over, to see the owner of the arm. As Jungkook looked at Tae, a blush crawled across his face.

Jungkook had to admit although he had just met Tae, he felt like he was already having feelings for the older. It is a strange feeling for him, as he has butterflies in his stomach but they make him feel happy. Jungkook feels protected in Tae's hold. He laid like this for a bit just staring at the handsome man in front of him.

Tae knew the younger was staring so he decided to tease him a bit.
"I know I'm handsome, but do you really have to stare for so long. You're drawling everywhere" Tae snorted opening his eyes to then meet his gaze with the younger, making him blush even more. Tae chuckled at the younger's reaction.

"Anyway do you have school today bun?" Jungkook yawned and nodded his head.
"Okay well I have work today and I'll be working quite late and so will everyone who lives here. Are you still okay with moving in with us? Because I really would love you to stay here and the others would too" Tae said looking at the younger with hopeful eyes.
"Okay, I mean I would love to still, if it's not a hassle" Jungkook smiled.

"Of course it's not. I can get someone to pick you up from school. You can ask the driver to take you wherever you like, then afterwards he will drop you off here. You will be home alone for quite a while, so you can explore the house if you want or you can play games , study or something. We shouldn't be too late tonight, so I can introduce you to everyone tonight. But just to let you know there will be some nights when we will be back really late"

"That's okay Tae, thank you for telling me. I'll probably just study tonight and I'll wait for you to give me a house tour later." Jungkook yawned again.
"Okay sounds like a plan, well we should get ready now. You can have a shower in my bathroom and I'll lay out clothes on the bed for you, I'll get ready and make us breakfast. Take your time, you still have an hour and a half until you have to leave" Tae smiled standing up, walking out of his room to his walk in wardrobe to grab some clothes.

Jungkook quickly got ready for the day. He put on the clothes which Tae had left on the bed for him, it was a light purple oversized jumper and skinny black jeans. Jungkook really liked the outfit choice. Once he was done he walked out of the room, but when he walked out of the door he realised he didn't know his way around and there were doors everywhere. He stayed still and shouted for Tae hoping he would hear.
"T-Tae" he called.

In less than 30 seconds, Tae appeared from one of the many corridors. When Jungkook saw him he was about to say something until he realised how good Tae looked. He was wearing really tight black jeans with a white buttoned up top loosely tucked into them.

"Are you okay bun?" Tae walked closer to Jungkook.
"O-Oh yeh. I didn't know how to get downstairs." Jungkook shyly said.
"Oh right yeh of course, I forgot you didn't know." Tae chuckled. "Just try and remember where my room is for later. Jungkook quickly took a mental note as he looked from side to side. He then felt a hand grab his. They laced together and Tae led them downstairs to the kitchen, where there was food on the table.

"Where are the others?" Jungkook asked with curiosity as he ate the breakfast Tae had made.
"Ah they left earlier." Tae said chuckling at how Jungkook devoured the breakfast.
"That was so good hyung! I haven't eaten a home cooked meal in ages. Thank you" Jungkook sheepishly smiled.

"Awe no problem bun. How come you haven't eaten in a while? I noticed yesterday you looked quite skinny" Tae asked gently, but not wanting to push the younger just in case.

"I haven't been able to eat because of school and financial reasons, I was going to buy food yesterday but obviously t-the I-incident h-happened." Jungkook stuttered remembering what happened.
"Don't worry bun, are you going to be okay at school today?" Tae asked worriedly.
"Oh y-yeh I'll be f-fine" Jungkook smiled.
"Okay shall we get you to school then" Tae said, Jungkook nodded.

Tae grabbed his work stuff, Jungkook didn't need anything because he left his bag in his locker the day before as he didn't need to take it home.
"Right you ready bun?" Tae smiled as Jungkook just finished tying his shoes.
"Yep" Jungkook replied.

They both walked to the car and got in, Jungkook looked at the house as Tae started to pull off the very long driveway. The house was beyond amazing, it was massive and so private. Jungkook couldn't wait to be shown around. Everything felt so surreal for him.

"So Jungkook, here is my number, put this into your contacts and if anything happens don't think twice about texting me or even calling me. At the end of the day I will get my driver to pick you up as I can't, and he will be in a black Land Rover.

The guy will stand outside his car, you'll know straight away. You can grab some food from a food chain if you want, the driver has a card which you can use. So yeh that's pretty much it! Are you sure you are going to be okay?" He asked as he stopped just outside Jungkook's school.
"That's amazing, I really don't deserve this... is this a dream? This definitely has to be my imagination" Jungkook said surprised.

"No, this is very much reality. Anyway, I'll see you later tonight, stay safe bun" Tae smiled as Jungkook started opening the car door.
"Thank you so much, have a good day. Don't work too hard." Jungkook called as he shut the door. They both waved at each other as Tae drove off.

15 minutes later Tae arrived at his company. He walked through the crowd of people who were waiting outside for him. He bowed at the people who were taking photos and walked inside the massive building.
The girl at the front desk saw Tae enter the building.

"Good Morning sir!" She blushed at the sight of him. Most people have a crush on Tae but it's safe to say he can't return the feelings as he has his eye on someone else.
"Morning" he said, rushing into the elevator, heading straight to his office.
There awaited his 5 friends.
"Good morning Tae, sleep well....." Seokjin asked.
"....with Jungkook!" Hobi added, throwing a wink towards making him smile.

"Yes actually, you know I think I've already got feelings for him and I only met him yesterday"
"Yep our boy is definitely whipped" Namjoon laughed.
"Okay enough of that. Let's get to work. Any traces?" Tae smirked, knowing him and his group will probably be killing someone later.
"Yes sir..."

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