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It's been a month of Jungkook being Tae's assistant. Tae loved the fact he was able to work with his boyfriend, Jungkook was definitely a hard worker, and always trying his best.

Tae was already at the company as he needed to worry a few things out. Jungkook was wearing black tight skinny jeans and a long sleeve white shirt. He walked into the company and bowed at some workers. He then got in the lift and went to Tae's office. He lightly knocked on the door and opened it after Tae calmed him in.

"Hey baby boy, how are you today?" Tae smiled.
"I'm good thank you, how are you?"
"I'm even better now your here" Tae said giving a big smiles.
"what would you like me to do first sir?" Jungkook said looking ready for his day ahead.
"Give me a kiss" Tae said sternly.
"O-okay!" Jungkook melted in the olders stare.

So he walked closer to his boss and leaned forward placing his lips on the others. Tae smiled at the younger's cuteness. They pulled apart, leaving Jungkook flustered.
"Okay now, can you go get me an iced coffee with 2 sugars. Then I need you to print off 50 copies of this sheet and then bring them to me. You can pick up the sheet after you've given me my coffee" Tae said switching into work mode.
Jungkook nodded. "Anything else?"
"No that's it for now, but don't be too long, okay bun"
"Yes sir."

He left the room and walked to the staff room which had the coffee machine. On the way he felt eyes glare at him through his back. He's been getting this feeling a lot. A lot of people have been staring at him, muttering about him as he walks past, stealing his stuff and many more things. He never once told Tae about it, it would end badly so he decided not to tell him, however Tae wasn't blind and so he knew something was going on, but just didn't know what.

Jungkook rushed to the room and made the coffee, he added the sugar and placed 3 ice cubes in the drink. Once done he rushed back to his office and placed the coffee on the desk.
"Thanks Kookie, here's the sheet!" Tae passed him the sheet and Jungkook bowed and walked away to the printer.

He walked into the the closest room with a printer but it wasn't working, so he got on the lift and went to the printer on the floor below. He looked around and finally came across one. He carefully put the paper in the printer and started to photo copy the sheet.

During it someone came in.
"Who are you?" Jungkook whipped his head around to see two woman standing there with folded arms and a death glare.
"I said who are you?"
"U-um I'm J-Jungkook, Mr K-Kim's assistant." He stuttered.
"I can't believe you are Tae's boyfriend. Haha he could do so much better. Look at you. You're weak and worthless."

Jungkook felt tears brim his eyes. He quickly turned around as the photocopier was done. As he went to get it the paper was quickly snatched by one of the the girls.
"What would Mr Kim think if all these papers got ripped right now... you would have to do it again. Wasting paper, coasting money. All on your first day" She smirked as she waved around the papers.
"Please don't miss"

"Please don't miss..." she mimicked, both girls laughed. They then got the paper and ripped it all up laughing. They looked to their left and saw a freshly brewed coffee on the table, she grabbed the mug and threw the coffee on Jungkook.
He screamed out in pain as the hot water burnt his skin. The girls laughed loudly, but were soon cut short by a scream.

Tae's pov -

"Thanks Kookie, here's the sheet!" I gave Jungkook the sheet. He bowed at me and left.
'He's so cute I can't even. Wait... did he bow! Omg bless!'
"Come on Tae, you have so much work to do!" Tae muttered himself as he was going off track.

It had been around 15 minutes. He looked at the clock seeing that Jungkook should definitely be back by now. He thought he could just be overthinking but he just wanted to check. So he left his office and went to the printing room to see that the printer was broken. So he went to the floor below. As he walked up to the door he heard a ripping noise, and then in the same minute he heard a scream of pain. Tae ran to the room to see what was happening. He was shell shocked.


3rd person -

The two girls swung their heads around, mouths agape, shocked to see Mr Kim standing at the door. He gave an evil glare to them before rushing over to Jungkook who was sobbing from pain.

"HOW CAN YOU BE SO FUCKING CHILDISH? WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU THROW SCORCHING HOT COFFEE ON SOMEONE! YOUR SICK" Tae screamed, making people on the same floor come rushing over to see what all the commotion was about, which left people astonished.
"But he was annoying us" One of them whined.

"He...HE WAS ANNOYING YOU. Oh hunny I think you have memory loss, if I'm correct you were annoying him. You ripped up the sheets he had to get for me and you threw coffee on him. Isn't this assault? You injured him on purpose. Let's see what the police think when I ring them shall we..." Tae said raising an eye brow and he reached for his phone.

"NO PLEASE DONT PHONE THE POLICE." One of the girl screamed.
"And why shouldn't I?"
"Because I don't want to go to jail." She cried.

"So you can assault a person but you can't to go to jail. Sorry that doesn't cut it, I'm phoning."
"WAIT. Well leave, fire us. We will move, you won't ever see us again." She pleaded.
"You're right we won't see you again, because you'll be to busy in jail..."
"NO please sir..." the other cried.

Tae was about to speak up again, but he felt a tug at his shirt. He looked down to see Jungkook sobbing.
"D-Don't bother Tae. J-Just let them l-leave. Please. I d-don't want to be the reason for them to going to j-jail." He cried.
"But kookie they hurt you!" Tae whispered.
"Tae please."

Tae knew he couldn't ignore him.
"Right I want you out of my sight RIGHT NOW! Never come back. I won't phone the police because my boyfriend here is too pure that he doesn't want me to! You better sort your shits out after today! Now leave!" Tae said sternly.

They nodded and bowed before scurrying off.
"How are you feeling?" Tae said looking back down again.
"I'm f-fine! Go back to work, I'll bring you your sheets!" Jungkook said wiping his tears, and started standing up again.
"Bun you really don't have..."
"Tae please. Let's just forget about it. Now go back to your office." Jungkook demanded, turning around to the printer.
Tae sighed and started to walk back to his office in defeat.

Once Jungkook thought Tae had left he broke into tears again.
"Maybe I'm not good enough."
As he said that he felt a pair of arms wrap around him. He quickly turned around to see Tae's head in his neck.
"Baby you are good enough. You'll always be good enough. I don't need anyone else other than you. Please don't ever listen to people like that again. Don't doubt. I'm always here no matter what" Tae sniffed.
Jungkook dived into Tae's chest and they engulfed each other in a massive hug.

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