The kiss

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Jungkook looked up into Tae's eyes, tears flowed down his cheeks. Tae stepped closer to the boy, he stood close enough that parts of their bodies were touching. He cupped Jungkook's face and wiped the tears flowing down his face.

"Please don't listen her bun, she's a bitch and doesn't know anything. Don't listen to her"
"Am I-I good e-enough?" Jungkook sniffed.
"Jungkook of course you're good enough, you are more than enough. I love everything about you. You're everything to me, don't let people make you think otherwise" Tae spoke caressing Jungkook's cheek.
"Thank you" Jungkook said giving a light smile.
"There's nothing you should be thanking me for, I should be thanking you" Tae smiled.

Tae stood in between Jungkook's legs, he placed his arms around Jungkook's waist and Jungkook placed his arms around Tae's neck.

Without a warning , Tae picked him up, he placed his arms under Jungkook's butt so he didn't fall.

They were now face to face, they both looked into each other's eyes. Jungkook placed a hand on Tae's face. He then slowly moved his face towards Tae's. Jungkook didn't really know why he was doing this but he knew he wanted it. He looked at Tae's lips and leaned in closing the gap between them.

Tae was quite shocked at the younger's action but he wasn't complaining and so he kissed back immediately. Their lips moulded together perfectly, both of them enjoying the kiss. Jungkook then pulled away to breathe, he blushed at the thought of what just happened and how good it felt.
"Awe you're so cute" Tae smiled looking at the younger.

Jungkook gave another peck on the lips before wrapping his arms around Tae's neck for a hug. The two stayed in that position for a while enjoying each other's presence.

"Hey bun, can I look at your ankle?" Tae asked softly.
"Oh y-yeh"
Tae placed Jungkook back on the desk, and Jungkook let go of his neck. Tae grabbed one of the chairs and placed it in front of Jungkook. He then softly grabbed Jungkook's leg and put it on the chair. Tae crouched down, he pulled Jungkook's jeans up a bit so he can see his ankle better. He then took hold of his ankle and looked at it better. Jungkook winced a bit as he pressed down on his foot.

"Sorry bun"
As Tae looked he could see there was a bruise forming.

"Well I don't think you've broken it thankfully, but it might be sprained, so I'll get Seokjin to bring you an ice pack" Tae explained smiling. Jungkook looked at him and nodded.
"I'll be right back okay baby" Tae said not even noticing the blush plastered across Jungkook's face from him saying baby. Tae unlocked the door and walked out.

He walked down the corridor and came to Seokjin's door. He knocked on the door and heard someone shout to come in. He walked in and saw Namjoon and him together.

"Hey" Tae waved.
"Hey Tae, is Jungkook okay? We heard what happened." Namjoon laughed.
"Yes our little boy being a protective man" Seokjin smirked proudly.
"Yah well she had no right to say what she did. Anyway can you get a ice pack and bring it to my office please. I'm pretty sure Jungkook had sprained his ankle and bruising is coming out so I need an ice pack."

"Oh dear, of course I will, I'll also bring a bandage" Seokjin concluded.
"Thank you" Tae smiled leaving the room. As he walked back he passed Jimin.
"Hey Tae"
"Hey chim. Oh wait can you find someone to work as the receptionist at the front desk. Make sure they are trustworthy" Tae instructed.

"Of course Tae, I'll make sure that we can trust them and that they know who everyone is"Jimin smiled.
"Okay well I'll see you later"
"Yep see you later Tae" Jimin smiled, heading to his office to start his search for a new receptionist. Tae then walked back into his office.

As he walked in he saw Jungkook flinch a bit.
"Don't worry Bun it's only me" he said giving him his smile. Which Jungkook showed his bunny smile back. Tae walked up to him and gave him a kiss, which Jungkook gladly returned.

"Seokjinie is bringing an ice pack and a bandage." Tae ruffled the boys hair softly.
"Thank you" He mumbled cutely.
"Right I should probably get back to doing my work, do you want to sit on the sofa which is next to the window?" Tae said pointing at the place he meant.
Jungkook nodded. So Tae picked him up bridal style and laid him down on the sofa.

"I have an ipad you can go on if you want" Tae suggested trying to give him something to do so he wouldn't be bored.
"Yes please" Jungkook smiled innocently.
Tae grabbed the iPad from one of his draws and gave it to Jungkook.

"Um what's the password?"
"Oh yeh it's 130613" Tae spoke before sitting down at his desk. Tae started doing some paperwork and Jungkook started drawing on the iPad when there was a knock on the door.

"Come in" Tae called, Jungkook's eyes darted to the door, then Seokjin walked in with the ice pack and the bandage.
"Here we go" Seokjin smiled walking over to Jungkook. He placed the ice pack on Jungkook's ankle and put the bandage on the floor next to him.

"Here I also brought you a lolly pop" Seokjin smiled. Jungkook's eyes lit up.
"Oh my gawsh thank you hyung" He smiled brightly before putting the lolly in his mouth.
"No problem kid" Seokjin chuckled, patting Jungkook's head.
"Thank you Seokjin" Tae thanked him, as he watched his cute boyfriend.
"No problem, well I'll leave you to it"
"Bye bye"

The rest of the day was spent with Tae finishing paper work and Jungkook drawing. Jungkook was feeling much better and had put the bandage on. It didn't hurt as much as it did earlier that day. Jungkook didn't find the day boring at all he enjoyed just being with Tae and drawing. Tae however felt bad thinking he might be bored.

"Hey baby, come over here"
Jungkook placed the iPad on the sofa and stood up. He limped over to Tae and stood to the side of him. Tae rolled his chair back a bit and he tapped his lap for Jungkook to sit on it. He limped over and sat on his lap facing towards Tae. The elder ruffled the younger's hair.

"Are you okay baby? Are you bored?" Tae asked worried.
"Of course not Taetae, I like it" Jungkook spoke work sincerity .
"I promise I'll make it up to you. What about if I make it up to by going on a date tomorrow?" Tae suggested.
"But won't you need to work?" Jungkook asked  not wanting to disturb him.

"Don't worry about that bun, I'll work a few hours in the morning then we can go to the mall for the rest of the day" Tae smiled.
"Okayyy" Jungkook smiled happily.
"Awe I love when you're smiling!" Tae chuckled watching the younger blush. He leant in and pecked Jungkook on the nose. He pouted and pointed at his lips. Tae chuckled at the younger's cuteness and leant in kissing him on the lips.

After a little while Tae decided it was time for them to go home as he's finished for the day. He placed Jungkook on his desk as he packed away everything. He then signaled for Jungkook to get on his back so he can carry him to the car. Jungkook did so and they left the office.

They walked downstairs and as they passed everyone just looked at the two. Tae rolled his eyes. Jungkook put his face in Tae's neck as he noticed them staring. As they passed the security guards, they both apologized to Tae and Jungkook.

"I'm really sorry sir; Jungkook I hope you can forgive us for our actions. We were just doing as we were told" one spoke.
Jungkook looked up and nodded.
"I forgive you" Jungkook mumbled, giving a weak smile, he's never been good at holding a grudge against people. Tae just nodded and walked off.

Once they got home everyone ate pizza and they did a movie marathon. All the couples snuggled together whilst Hoseok hugged a pillow as usual. He didn't mind though as he loved all the couples and enjoyed watching them. After that they all went to bed ending the day.

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