The ally way

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There is a scene in this which could be triggering to some.

It was around 9pm and Jungkook was still studying. Overtime he started to feel quite hungry. This past week has been very hectic so he hasn't been able to eat that much. So he stood up and walked to the cupboards. He quickly opened them but soon realised they were completely bare. He rolled his eyes and shut the door. So he then went to the fridge and all that there was, was some out of date yoghurts. He looked at them and pouted. He then shut the door and sighed.

"Looks like I'm gonna have to go to the corner shop..." He went to his room and put his shoes on. He grabbed his phone, wallet and keys and shut the door behind him and then walked out of his apartment. As he went down the corridor he heard people shouting and objects being thrown at walls. He jolted at the sound of a door being opened and quickly made a run for it down the stairs and out of the block of apartments.

Jungkook wasn't the richest of people and this apartment was the only place he could afford. Every day people will be shouting or screaming, but Jungkook couldn't do anything about it.

Anyway the corner shop isn't too far from him, however he has to walk through a dark ally way to get there. He would usually try to avoid going down there at night but his stomach was forcing him too, so he had to go. The streets where pretty much empty, the street lamps weren't that bright but bright enough that Jungkook could still see. He sensed someone watching him but every time he looked behind nothing was there, so he carried on walking thinking it was just his imagination playing around with him.

As time passed on he grew closer and closer to the ally way, he started to become tense. He's heard many stories before about people being beaten up and having sever injuries from going down there. Locals always try to warn people but Jungkook has to go down there to get to the shop... he was starving.

Jungkook finally came to the dreaded ally way, he quickly stopped just before he had to turn to go down it. He started sweating knowing this wasn't going to end well. He proceeded to take a deep breath, then hesitantly walked down. He clenched his fists and looked at the floor not wanting to see anything. But he soon bumped into something.
'I swear it was longer than that' he thought.

"Hi cutie, whats a beautiful boy like you doing down here at this time?" Jungkook froze, he shakily looked up and met eyes with Kai.

Kai is the most popular boy in school, he bullies a load of people, but recently Jungkook has been his main target. Jungkook didn't understand why, he hasn't done anything wrong.

But maybe it's because Kai wants to claim Jungkook as his own...

Kai shoves Jungkook, making him stumble onto the floor. Two people who were standing behind Jungkook grabbed his arms and pinned him to the wall. He tried his hardest to get out their grip but he was too weak.

Kai moved closer to Jungkook.
"Stop moving kid, your only making it worse for yourself" Kai smirked and then licked his lips as he stared down at the boy who was being pinned to the wall.
Jungkook was more than scared and kept trying to move around.

Kai proceeded to push his body against Jungkook's. He ripped Jungkook's top off and started kissing Jungkook's now exposed neck. He was frozen, he couldn't move, his wrists were tightly held by the other boys and Kai was kissing his body. He tried screaming, but no one could hear him. He began to cry, knowing that this could be the end.
"Stop screaming princess, you'll be screaming my name soon." He smirked.

Kai started to bite on Jungkook's neck leaving bloody marks on Jungkook's pale and very frail body.
"S-stop" Jungkook sobbed.
"No way, we've just gotten started"
Jungkook started screaming as Kai punched his stomach, Kai then laughed and started playing around with Jungkook's body, using it as a punching bag. Because of everything Jungkook gradually became weaker and weaker. He felt as though he was going to faint soon, So he screamed one more time to see if anyone was out there which could help him, and then he passed out.

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING? DROP THE KID NOW!" A low voice echoed down the ally.

A figure started walking up to where the 4 boys were. He was wearing all black and had a mask covering his mouth.

"Why the fuck would I listen to you?" Kai chuckled.
The guy spun Kai around and punched him in the face. He proceeded to sweep kai's leg which made him fall to the floor. He walked up to Kai and kicked him on the side of his stomach. The other two boys didn't want to get hit and so they picked Kai up and ran away, not wanting to cause anymore trouble.

"I will make you mine, Jeon Jungkook" Kai screamed as he was being dragged away.
The figure dryly chuckled. Until he noticed the boy laying lifeless on the ground.

"Holy shit" He said looking at the state of the boy.
Jungkook was laying on the floor, passed out. His shirt was ripped, exposing the boys thin body, covered in bleeding bite marks and bruises.

The man ran to him taking his jacket off and wrapping it around Jungkook's body.
"Jeon Jungkook , looks like I'm bringing you back to mine."  The man said to himself as his name rolled of his tongue smoothly. He picked the boy up bridal style and took him to his car.

They managed to get to the guys house safely. He got out of the car and ran to the back seat where Jungkook was. He lifted him out of the car and made his way to the house. He opened the door and walked in.
"I'm home" the guy shouted.
5 men came rushing out from different places, to see their house mate.
"Hi Tae, how was your walk?... wait who is that?"

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