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This chapter may contain small triggers for some readers. ⚠️

Week later...

As usual Jungkook goes to school and then he would go home and wait for Tae and the others to get back. Tae used to get back late every other day due to his Mafia group but now he gets back late every day. Instead this is because of his company. Jungkook hasn't seen Tae in ages.

Jungkook would end up falling asleep alone and by the time he would wake up he would also be alone. He didn't know if Tae was even coming home some days. Jungkook has been feeling his lowest since Tae hasn't been around. However he didn't want to burden the elder. Jungkook knew Tae was trying to take over another business, it was a big chance for him, so Jungkook didn't want to add pressure. The other boys were never at home either as they are trying to help Tae.

It was early morning and Jungkook had to get up for school. He rubbed his eyes and turns to the side. He slowly opened his eyes, to get again being faced by a empty space. He took a deep sigh and went to the bathroom for a shower.

Once he finished he glanced in the mirror, he walked closer and looked at himself. He noticed the large bags under his eyes, he knew he hadn't been sleeping properly. He then looked at his body and saw he was thin.

Jungkook couldn't bring himself to eat. He worried for his boyfriend, he didn't know if the older had eaten, slept, washed... he was so focused on the older that he forgot to care about his own health. He took a deep sigh and left the bathroom to get changed. Once finished he grabbed his bag and left for the day.

Jungkook hung his head low as he walked through the corridors. He didn't want to talk to his friends, he just felt so weak and sad. It was like a part of him had been taken away. You may think he's being dramatic.... but Jungkook has never been apart from Tae for so long, since meeting him. no one has ever loved Jungkook as much has Tae does.

Then all of a sudden all the love turned non existent. The fact he didn't want to contact Tae thinking he would disturb him made him forget his own health, this had the provoked him to be feeling down.

Jungkook had just finished business studies. He slowly walked upstairs to the roof of the school. Jungkook enjoyed going up there, he felt free, it would take all his pain away. He steadily walked to the edge holding onto the railing making sure he wouldn't fall off and looked at the scenery in front of him. He took a deep breath and as he was about to exhale, he got stopped.

"Are you planning to jump because you've realised your such a slut? Why don't you ditch your so called boyfriend and come to me..." Jungkook knew who it was, of course it no other than Kai.
"I think you deserve a punishment pumpkin.." Kai wrapped his arms around Jungkook's body and spun him around.

Kai then began to punch Jungkook like a punching bag. Jungkook thought he deserved it. He had no energy left in him to fight back. So he stood there letting Kai punch and kick him as much as he wants. Once he had done, Jungkook was lying on the floor, blood coming from all places. Bruises forming so quickly, that half of his face was already a different colour.

"You better not get your sugar daddy to come help you because there will be serious consequences..." Kai evilly laughed and left as the bell rang. Jungkook knew he couldn't ring Tae as he was busy. He didn't want to became a burden.

After a few minutes he decided he couldn't stay there any longer, so he tried to stand up and walk as best as he could to his last lesson of the day. He came to his classroom and quietly opened the door, fully aware that he was late for his lesson.

As he walked to his seat the teacher looked at him but didn't question why he was late on seeing the sight of the kid and how bad of a state he was in. But the most ridiculous thing is, the teacher never once asked if Jungkook was okay.

However Jungkook understood why, he was one of the poor pupils, no one wants to mix with them, although he was thankful because he didn't want to deal with the fuss and the questions asked as he wouldn't know how to respond.

During his whole lesson he was thinking about Tae, how he missed the elder so much. The kisses they shared, the warmth the elder gave him, the way he would be so happy around him... he missed it all. He couldn't bare going another day without seeing his boyfriend so he decided that he would go to his office after school. And just to his luck, the bell signaled for him to go home.

So he carefully picked up his bag and put on a oversized hoodie which he always carried in his bag in case of an emergency. He was then able to cover his bloody body and he placed the hood up to try and hide his bruised face.

He walked with pain all the way to the company, as he came to the building he looked up at it taking a deep breath. He walked in giving a slight bow towards the security guards. He looked over to his side to see no one at the front desk, so he just shrugged it off and went in the elevator which brought him to Tae's floor. There were a few muffled voices but not many so he assumed everyone was busy working. So he quietly tiptoed closer to Tae's office until he heard something he didn't want to hear.

"I love you Tae! And I know you love me too" and then a indescribable noise was made.

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