a million times over

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It was a late Thursday night. Tae and Jungkook were some of the few who were still at the office working. Well Jungkook has finished work but he waited for Tae as he didn't want him to stress and become lonely.

So he laid on the couch and started dozing off, until he heard a shaky sigh coming from desk area. He leaned up and looked over to see Tae's head on a load of paper work pulling a frustrated face. Tae had a lot going on with his business, so many people wanted to partner with his company but he didn't like the ideas and with some employees still picking on Jungkook, his head is full with constant worries.

So Jungkook stood up and walked behind Tae's chair. Lightly placing his hands on each of the others shoulders and massaged them softly.
"Are you okay hyungie?" He said before leaving a kiss in the older's fluffy hair.

"Hm I'm just a bit stressed koo, but don't worry I'll finish up soon" Tae said trying to read over some sheets again.
"Take your time, it's okay" Jungkook said sweetly. He then walked over to the offices window and saw how beautiful the city looked at night. Jungkook was completely captivated by the scenery. Until suddenly a idea popped in his mind. He smiled at the idea and decided that it would be good.

"Hey hyungie, I'm going to go to the shops next door. Don't worry about me I'll be 10 minutes max I promise. And before you say anything I promise I'll call you if anything happen" Jungkook beamed as Tae was looking at him.

"You know I can't say no to that face, but you better stay safe. If anyone lays even a speak of dust on you they'll be dead meat" Tae laughed realising how possessive he's become.
"Yes sir! I'll be quick, see you soon hyungie!" Jungkook said waving.
"What is that kid up to" Tae chuckled as he got back to work.

Jungkook skipped out of the office and went to the shop. It was a decent size shop, which sold food and some other necessities. He walked in, it was pretty empty. It was late at night so of course it would be. He grabbed a basket and started to walk around.

So basically Jungkook wanted to relax Tae a bit so he's going to buy some food and drinks and anything else he decides to buy, and make a small picnic like thing in front of the window which has the night city view.

"Right first of all food" Jungkook mumbled to himself causing a smile dance across his face.
He walked around and picked up : chocolate covered strawberries, marshmallows and cookies. He didn't want to buy a lot as it was late. He then went to get drinks, he picked up banana milk for both of them as it is a shared favourite.

As he looked around, he saw a bedding section. He looked down it and saw a light grey fluffy blanket. He picked it up and added it to the basket. He also saw a cute tiger plushie which he picked up hoping it might cheer him up.

Once he finally got everything he paid for it and left with two full bags in his hands. He walked through the building and saw there wasn't anyone there as they had all gone home. He then went in the elevator and made it to the floor with Tae's office. He hid the bags behind a table which was just outside of Tae's office and he walked in.

"Hey baby, are you okay?" He said looking up to check that he wasn't sad or anything.
"I'm good, how are you feeling?" Jungkook questioned.
"I'm alright. I'm nearly done" He stood up and kissed Jungkook on the forehead before walking up to the door.
"Where are you going?" Jungkook asked surprised as he was going to ask him to do something so he could get him out of the room.
"Just to the toilet! I'll be back in a minute" He said dashing off.

It was time for Jungkook to set up, he ran to grab the bags and started laying everything out.
He placed the blanket down next to the window. He then arranged all the food and drinks to the side of him. He left the plushie in the bag as it was a surprise. One he was done he sat down comfortably, letting out a small sigh of delight.
Seconds later the door opened.

"Hey baby I'm b..." Tae was cut off by the sight in front of him.
"What's this koo?" He said astonished.

"I wanted to do something to take you pain away. Even if it's only for an hour or two, it's better than feeling it constantly" Jungkook said sweetly, standing up and walking over to his boyfriend. He took his by his hands and led him to the blanket. Tae slipped his shoes off and laid down on the floor with Jungkook following. They took in each other's embrace and snuggled close.

"I wish we could stay like this forever
Jungkook muttered.
"Hm, even though that's not possible, I can promise you that I'll be with you forever. Hey baby, I'm really sorry for everything" Tae sighed hesitantly.
Jungkook shook his head in Tae's chest, making patterns on the elders muscular stomach.

"All the treatment people have given you, all the trauma you've been through. You really didn't and don't deserve it. I know we all face challenges in life. But I'm so proud of you, how strong you are. You kept on going. Don't let anyone ever put you down, because you are worth it and you always will be. I love you Jungkook so much"

The younger was not expecting that. He was in tears.
"No taetae, I love you more. I couldn't of done anything without you. You've helped me, picked me off my feet. There's never been one dull moment with you. I love you more than anything Taetae"
Both of them were crying messes.

After many cuddles be kisses they both sat up a bit and munched on the snacks. Tae holding out a strawberry for the younger to eat, which he gladly did and exchanging laughs. Jungkook then grabbed the bag behind him.

"There's one last thing. It's not that amazing but I bought it to make you happier" Jungkook said with contentment.
He then whipped the tiger plushie out from behind him and gave it to his boyfriend.

"Tada, it reminds me of you. Tae you are strong and courageous. You are my tiger. My best friend. My soulmate. I'm so thankful to have you!" Jungkook blushed after saying all of that.
"Awe kookie you are the cutest. I love it, I'll keep it forever" Tae smiled kissing Jungkook on the lips, which the younger immediately responded to without hesitation.
"Oh baby I have something for you!" Tae sheepishly smiled.

He dove into his pocket and brought out a black velvet ring box. He shifted to get in one knee and Jungkook bolted up.

"Jungkook, I would be lost if I didn't have you. You are my everything. Your smile which looks like a little bunny, the way you're so cute and protective. You're so beautiful and talented. I couldn't dream to live my life with someone else. So Jeon Jungkook will you do me the honor by becoming my husband?" He teared up.

"Of course, a million times over" They both displayed huge smiles. Tae slid the ring on Jungkook's finger, there was also a matching ring which was for Tae. Jungkook took it and placed it on Tae's finger as well. They then launched at each other, holding one another like their life depended on it. With the the glow of the city lights illuminating them, setting the scene perfectly.

"I love you baby boy" Tae said with full compassion.
"I love you too Taetae!" Jungkook smiled looking at his world in front of him.

The end 💕

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