using you

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It was Sunday, yesterday Tae had promised Jungkook about going to the mall as a date after he finished work. Just like yesterday Jungkook had woken up with no one by his side meaning Tae had already left. He shuffled to the night stand and there was another note...

Good morning baby.
I hope you slept well! Like yesterday I've gone to work, get ready for our date and come to the company. Don't go to the front desk, just go straight to my office, hehe I hope you can remember where it is :) We will leave when you get here.
I'll see you soon <3

Jungkook read the note and smiled.
"I have to admit if Tae hadn't of told me about him being a mafia leader I would never of guessed it" Jungkook giggled to himself. He got himself out of bed and went to have a shower, once he'd finished he went straight to the wardrobe. He stared blankly at all the clothes for a good 10 minutes not knowing what to wear.
"Aishhh I might just go naked at this point" Jungkook grumbled frustratedly.

After a long while he finally made his mind up.
He chose light blue washed out ripped jeans, with a white shirt tucked in saying 'baby boi' in blue, then on top of that a white long sleeve shirt unbuttoned all the way down. He then put his black vans on. He looked at himself and ruffled his hair. He smiled liking his outfit. He looked at his phone for the time and it read 12pm. So he quickly grabbed his stuff and ran out of the house locking the door behind him.

Like he did the day before he got on the bus to the company. It was a quick bus ride as there wasn't many people wanting to get on. Once he arrived he quickly walked to the company. He looked at the building and became quite worried remembering what happened yesterday. His legs kept on walking but his face was saying something different. He was now right in front of the building. He started debating whether to go in or not until he heard some voices.

"Isn't that Mr.Kim's boyfriend?"
"Yah, I think he's really weird"
"He looks like a gold digger"
"I bet he just using him"
That was the last straw after hearing all of what the staff were saying he ran into the company just wanting to see his boyfriend. He didn't look up, instead he ran straight into the elevator. As he waited till he reached the floor he started crying, with all the thoughts of what the workers were saying.

He doors slide open and he ran straight to Tae's office. He ran past Seokjin on the way.
"Oh hey Jungk..." he said being stopped as he saw the boy run straight past him crying. The younger softly knocked on the door.
"Come in" a deep voice said.

Jungkook opened the door, ran in, quickly shutting it behind him.
Tae looked up to see who it was.
"Oh hey baby bo..." Tae said until he saw that the boy was crying.
"Baby what's wrong? Come here" Tae said opening his arms up as Jungkook rushed over to him and sat on his lap. Tae wrapped his arms around the younger's waist while Jungkook places his arms on Tae's shoulders. He nuzzled his face into the olders neck while

Tae rubbed his back making patterns to try and clam him down.
"What's wrong beautiful?" Tae asked softly.
"T-they said I-I was using y-you" Jungkook cried.
"Who said that to you?" Tae asked having a sense of anger wash over him.
"W-workers downstairs.." Jungkook hiccuped.

Tae placed his finger under Jungkook's face lifting it up.
"Don't listen to then bunny, I know you're not using me. You're perfect to me" Tae said looking into his soft dough eyes.
Jungkook just nodded. Tae leaned in and kissed Jungkook on the lips.
"Now let's go on our date" Tae forced a smile, trying to cover the anger in him.

They stood up and Tae packed up his stuff. He placed his wallet and phone in his pocket and the placed a mask over his face and gave one to Jungkook to put on. They were now ready so he held Jungkook's hand and they walked to the elevator.

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